Eat more or continue the same?

hi everyone
For the last 3 weeks I have been eating on average 1400-1500 calories per day ( activity level set at lightly active) I lost weight initially but seem to have plateued.
I train in Thai boxing (similar to kickboxing) 2-3 times a week but have recently added more gym/cardio in. I am also a nurse
If this makes me more than lightly active should I increase my daily calories?
I have a activity tracker/pedometer that is linked to MFP. I don't always eat all of the calories back.
Sorry for long winded post. Thank you in advance


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Your activity level should be your activity without your purposeful workouts

    As a nurse, providing you are on the go all the time I would assume you are lightly to moderately active

    However if you have a fitbit style pedometer that automatically links to MFP make sure you enable negative adjustments and don't double count step based activity

    You should eat back half of your exercise calories and focus in on your weighing and food logging

    A change up in exercise, excess sodium in diet and hormones can affect your weight loss progress so a couple of week stall is nothing to worry about so long as you are tracking properly
  • cafwinjacks
    cafwinjacks Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you
    I'll just stick at what I am doing a bit longer and hope the downward trend returns if not I will readdress. My husband does say that I look leaner even if the scales aren't showing it. Quite a compliment from him really