What to enter for generic weight training?

Hi all, I'm a noob to MFP but not to diet and fitness. I have a noob question about making entries for weight training:

I work out with a trainer several days a week, typically for about 90 min not counting cardio.
We do straight up strength training, e.g. dead lifts, military press / arnolds, pushups / pullups / situps, various cable and bench weight exercises, the usual old school stuff.
What I'm having problems with is "what to enter" in MFP. For starters, I really don't want to invest the time in writing down everything I did and then transcribing the exercises one by one three or four times a week. But even if I did, there doesn't seem to be any entry for either "deadlifts" or "dead lifts" for example.

So what I am looking for is some entry for "generic weight training" light / moderate / vigorous for however many minutes / hours.

Can anyone give ma a quick-start on what to enter for that?

I also do running and biking, but I haven't had any problem finding good categories for those.

Thanks in advance for your help!



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    There's an entry for strength training in the cardio section.