Waist Training; Yay or Nay?

Hello all,
I'm about to purchase my first waist training corset and want to hear some pros and cons- or if there's a favorite brand people use! Thanks!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    How do you train your waist?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Doing this could be dangerous :( I'd advise against it...
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    no idea what that is, but it sounds like a scam to me.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    edited February 2015
    I don't think you'll get many informed comments on here. Clearly some people are commenting without the slightest clue of what it is and without even trying to research it a little.

    You might want to try a forum specific for corset wearers. There's a forum for everything.

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Try corsetheaven.com or vinted.com
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm gonna say nay... because they're uncomfortable and make it hard to breathe in... but if you're into that sort of thing... whatever floats your boat. Just don't expect it to perform miracles.
  • Glitterdone82
    Glitterdone82 Posts: 43 Member
    I've heard a lot about this lately, but I don't know... I'd be afraid it would cause some issues with the internal organs that it's pushing in on as well...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    what do you think waist training will do for you?
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    I'm pretty sure spot reducing is a myth, unless this is for training muscles in the waist area.
  • aryseespieces
    aryseespieces Posts: 64 Member
    I would NOT be using a LACE UP Corset which would be the one that people say push organs.. Id being using a gym corset which helps excite your abdomen muscles and help sweat more. I am in NO WAY using a corset to help me perform miracles
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Getting your waist to sweat more isn't going to do anything except make you uncomfortable.
  • jairam
    I'm pro waist training, but you need proper advise before starting it. Waist training is by no means an easy option.
  • 1bkblack
    1bkblack Posts: 2 Member
    Check out the Dr. Oz show from Thursday Feb 12. He had a very informative segment about this very subject. Then draw your own informed with evidence conclusion.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    1bkblack wrote: »
    Check out the Dr. Oz show from Thursday Feb 12. He had a very informative segment about this very subject. Then draw your own informed with evidence conclusion.

    Oh man...
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Yep... anything cited from "Dr. Oz" is pretty much a "nay" in my book.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Getting your waist to sweat more isn't going to do anything except make you uncomfortable.

    This. And wearing a corset while exercising (especially weight lifting) will reduce how much you use your core muscles, and your exercises will be less effective.
  • Pangeekon
    Waist Training is really bad for your body. Please don't try this fad.
  • worthinf
    worthinf Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wearing a corset at the gym to help "excite" the abdomen and make it sweat more, probably won't really help. I think that adding any added support to your core will just disengage those muscles slightly, making your workout less effective. The best way to excite your abdominal muscles is to use them. Try doing some multi planar exercises at the gym. Add some trunk rotation and flexion to some squats or lunges to further engage your torso.
  • JimmyPapadopoulos
    My answer would be "nay," definitely!

    I'm going to say this now, and this applies to all humans on the planet. If you want the easy way out, prepare yourself for disappointment because its not realistic. If you are ready to take it on, then get motivated "now:"

    To keep it simple, a waist training corsets would entirely take away from actually getting lean.

    Which means you will just get right back to square one when you stop using it. Furthermore, corsets will also weaken your back and stomach muscles because they will rely on the brace rather then stabilizer muscles. Making it harder to burn fat around the skin at the waist, as well as make it more difficult to work out and raise chances of injury.

    Epic "NAY."

    If you want a long term elimination of waist fat beyond just dieting, you must focus on the entire body.

    People make the mistake of thinking a lean core comes from core work outs. Its not necessarily true, as a matter of fact, its the last part to a lean core. A strong core comes from focusing on core work outs, but a lean core comes from fat burning exercises.

    My generic ranking system is below:

    ~believe it or not, diet is #1 for a lean waist, then comes exercise. I know this because the first time I ever saw a four pack (that I thought was impossible) in my life is when I increased the number of meals and decreased my carbs/sugars & salts~

    Assuming my fitness pal is accomplishing the proper diets, we move to work out levels of importance...

    1) Maintain your regular "full body weight training" - bi's, tri's, legs, core, chest, back, gluts, calves, etc... Based on places you want to see fat gone. This will lead up to fat burning on the entire body naturally giving/maintaining you a leaner waist. I recommend this being your focus on a regular basis. Those who say women should not lift weights, are dead wrong.

    2) Running/jogging/walking (fat burners) - Believe it or not, walking can be a much better fat burner for shape, if you add a lot more time on the clock. This is generally easier on the heart, and joint. Generally burning extra calories and maintaining a lean body in addition to full body training.

    3) Leg work out - Highly under estimated, this leads to better hormone balance and we all tend to have stronger legs (because of our constant use of them), which will lead you to being able to reach more intense calorie burning work outs.

    4) Core strengthening work outs - sit up, crunches, ball core training, etc... This should be the last thing you do in your workout (no matter what it is). It is recommended you do not to heavy weights if using a machine, but to focus on light exercises and in high quantity. Heavier work outs can expand the muscles and make your waist appear larger, while lighter ab training with more reps and sets will lean the area.