Looking to Halve My Body Weight & Support

I'm trying to lose 135 lbs in total.
I wanted to know if anyone had tips for people looking to lose extreme amounts of weight.
I also would really love some support and motivation on my feed.


  • mizzbombshell
    mizzbombshell Posts: 9 Member
    First of all, you CAN do this.
    Don't expect results overnight. Be patient. Do not let allow the time it will take discourage you because let's face it, the time will pass anyways!
    Find joy in the journey. Appreciate all the things you learn about yourself along the way. Don't put your life on hold until you reach your goal. Live and enjoy life on the way to your goal!
    Don't always focus on the scale. Focus on how you feel (strong, energized, empowered, alive, healthy, happy, confident...)
    Believe in yourself.
    Add me :) I have about 55lbs to lose. We can do it together.
  • NAL24
    NAL24 Posts: 7 Member
    Just want you to know you are not alone, you can do this! My ultimate goal is to be 170, I am now 250 so I have a way to go as well but how about we support eachother? ;)
  • runfoorun
    runfoorun Posts: 314 Member
    Take comfort in your daily accomplishments because they'll add up to your final success. Do not ever give up and regain the weight you've lost. Even if you hit a slump at least try to maintain. I've lost 122 lbs so far and have final goal of losing another 53 lbs. Good luck!