new year ruined

I've done nothing positive with my diet or exercise this year, sooo many cream eggs and less than 2 hours a week of exercise :((((
how can I get last years motivation back!


  • karrrbear
    karrrbear Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Kaydeeholmes,

    I hear yeah I am in the same boat. Get focused. Get a plan together. I have my menu planned for the month and most of it is repetitive to keep it simple. Dinner I change it up a bit using allrecipe to get recipe ideas and add them to MFP to get accurate calorie counts for dinner.

    The most important thing now is you realize you paused and now have to get back to the plan.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    If this is you in your profile pic or a "thinspiration", you really should talk to your therapist.