Dealing with annoying non-fitness people



  • devilinsoul
    devilinsoul Posts: 105 Member
    exactly, to those who are really interested I have no problem explaining and advising... but to those who "just want to know" (out of jealousy, malice,... usually the frenemies) I seriously will not bother..
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    My bestie and I had that convo, she's a rather large lady and she wanted to know what I was doing. I told her, giving her a copy of exactly the menu I started with. She was like "well I just can't do it, I don't have the motivation. Even if I did I can't lose weigh" All the excuses in the book. Now I just don't even bother, if she wants to do it she needs to find the motivation in herself I can only tell them what I did and leave it at that.
  • devilinsoul
    devilinsoul Posts: 105 Member
    oh yes, talking about this with non-fit friends is the worst... you don't want to hurt their feelings but can't take it anymore... Personally I have come to that point when I just don't feel comfortable talking about my healthy lifestyle with certain people :|