Frozen Dinners

Mandi98U Posts: 115 Member
edited February 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I'm still in high school and my mom does the cooking but sometimes what she cooks is really high I'm calories and difficult to add like tonight she made home made lasagna. She is very supportive of my weight loss because everyone in my house needs to lose weight so she has been buying me healthy choice cafe steamers to help me stay under my calorie goals on days it would be really difficult to eat when she cooks. I've heard these are really bad for you. What do you guys think. Ps I usually just pick and choose what I can eat that she makes like tomorrow we are having pork chops and fried potatoes so she is gone make mine with out seasoning and instead of potatoes I'm gone have broccoli. Oh and I can't go over my calories because I'm injured and can't do cardio.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    There's nothing wrong with frozen dinners if they fit your calories. They can be a bit high in sodium, but that's not an issue if you don't have other health issues that mean you should keep your sodium low. Sounds like you're being pretty sensible about the whole thing.
  • Mandi98U
    Mandi98U Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks and I have not gone over my sodium level eating them
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Frozen dinners are not the issue.

    I looked at your diary as I was a bit curious. I think you can afford to eat the lasagna AND the fried potatoes. You are eating less then 1000 calories a day! Some days less then 700! What is up with that? Eat more. You're only doing more harm to yourself.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Athijade wrote: »
    Frozen dinners are not the issue.

    I looked at your diary as I was a bit curious. I think you can afford to eat the lasagna AND the fried potatoes. You are eating less then 1000 calories a day! Some days less then 700! What is up with that? Eat more. You're only doing more harm to yourself.

    +1000000000000. Eat up to your calorie goal.

    And if you're under 18, please head on over to
  • MickeyCastello
    I too looked at your profile, and I agree with Athijade. You should be eating, at the bare minimum, 1200 calories. It wouldn't hurt you to eat two of those dinners.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I agree with the other posters. You really need to eat more. I would eat your moms cooking but just work it into your day. But you really should be having at minimum 1200 cals a day!
  • saires_au
    saires_au Posts: 175 Member
    Eat a minimum of 1200 calories day. If you're under 18 see your doctor or dietician for guidance

    The frozen meal should be fine, I have them twice a week at work if I'm out of frozen leftovers.

    If you would like lasagne how about having 1/2 a serve and have some steamed veg or make yourself a side salad to fill up

    or offer to cook with your mum and see if you can use a lower calorie recipie? Maybe offer to cook once a week and negotiate a meal you could make that is healthy and would suit your whole family. This way you can start preparing yourself for a life of healthy cooking and eating buy learning these skills (and I'm sure your mum would appreciate the help!)
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    I would have a small small slice of lasagna and a big side of broccoli. Less calories than even your cafe steamers, and would taste a heck of a lot better.
  • Mandi98U
    Mandi98U Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for the feed back and I eat less calories to make sure if I am measuring or weighing wrong I don't go over my goal without knowing I'm pretty much leaving extra room for logging innacuracies and I did look at sparkteens before I started here but the goal of weight loss there is so small it like sets u up to lose one pound a month and I can healthily do more than that

  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    You aren't eating enough.

    Full stop. Period. End of story.

    Several posters have already told you that.

    You are not eating enough to give your body the nutrition in needs. If you continue you are risking serious health implications.