Diet tips EVERYONE needs to know

Hi there,
My name is Alex and i'm a typical highschool kid. I have come a long way in weight loss and I thought i'd share some tips with everyone.

Okay, so you're on your new diet, determined to eat nothing but rabbit food for months. Stop right there. You don't have to chow down on lettuce and celery all day for a proper weight loss diet. Here's what a good diet should include

- Complex Carbohydrates(Whole wheat and whole grain products, fruits, veggies) - These guys are your body's main source of energy. What makes them complex (in simple talk) is the rate of which they digest and effect blood sugar. These have fiber to help you feel full, and minerals for overall health. Now, if you're not diabetic skip ahead, these foods still have a medium GI level, and a somewhat medium glycemic load, but you can easily change that by combining them with fats and proteins. Other carbohydrates that are BETTER than the grains are fruits and veggies. Eat any and all you can, and buy frozen too, they tend to have just as many if not more than their fresh counter parts, just make sure there's no added sugar. Vitamins, fiber, and minerals surplus in fruits and veggies.

- Fat(Nuts, salmon, tuna, oil, dairy, chicken, steak, pork)- Fats are NOT bad! You need to have fat to maintain a healthy heart and blood cholesterol levels. The key is choosing the right TYPE of fat. Nuts, seeds, plant oils, salmon and tuna are the best. These foods contain poly- and mono- unsaturated fats, which are needed for the reasons I stated earlier, and they help carry important nutrients to skeletal muscles. The "bad" fats are saturated fats, found in dairy, fried foods, packaged products, poultry and red meat. There are more, like chocolate and coconut, but we'll talk about those later. These fats actually raise LDL cholesterol(the bad) and are also bad for the heart. But, chocolate and coconut contain medium chain triglycerides, which are actually used for energy, so they are good in moderation.

-Protein(meats, some plants, non-fat dairy is best)- Protein is needed for everyday body functions and maintain muscle and muscle growth. Protein is found in all meats, some more dense than others. If on a diet, try to stick to lean proteins, such as boneless, skinless chicken breast, pork and beef that have the word "loin" or "lean" in them, and nonfat dairy(greek yogurt is amazing). You can try plant based products if you're vegetarian or just wanting something else, soy is a protein powerhouse, all nuts have a decent amount of protein(yes, even peanut butter, but make sure it's organic :D).

Now that you know a little bit about the macros, you can work to combine them in a healthy way. When you eat, you should have half of your plate convered with fruits and veggies. Always. Then, one quarter should be grains, and the other should be protein. This will give you a decently balanced meal.

And yes, you can have dessert, don't try to cover your cheesecake craving with an apple, it just won't work(: Moderation is key.


1.) Make sure you're eating enough and not starving yourself between meals, you'll just overeat at the next. Snack if you're hungry, just keep it healthy.

2.) Don't try crash diets, when you come off, forbidden foods will come back to haunt you...

3.) Divide your calories for what works for you. Do you like to eat small during the day and big at night(vice versa)? Go ahead! Just keep it in your caloric allowance. I will get hate for this, but some studies prove that what time you eat doesn't affect weight! Plus, think about it, ancient man hunted all day and ate big at night, and they surely weren't fat, so why have we changed?

4.) Exercise! It is needed for a healthy weight loss regimen. It also helps your body digest food, and speeds up metabolism.

5.) Water. It is important! You need it for proper digestion and studies show that drinking cold water actually boosts metabolism.

Good luck all!


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Saturated fat isn't bad. Low fat/fat free dairy isn't necessary, you can eat full fat IIFYM.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Where did you copy and paste this from? Plagiarism is bad, mkay?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hi there,
    My name is Alex and i'm a typical highschool kid. I have come a long way in weight loss and I thought i'd share some tips with everyone.

    Okay, so you're on your new diet, determined to eat nothing but rabbit food for months. Stop right there. You don't have to chow down on lettuce and celery all day for a proper weight loss diet. Here's what a good diet should include

    - Complex Carbohydrates(Whole wheat and whole grain products, fruits, veggies) - These guys are your body's main source of energy. What makes them complex (in simple talk) is the rate of which they digest and effect blood sugar. These have fiber to help you feel full, and minerals for overall health. Now, if you're not diabetic skip ahead, these foods still have a medium GI level, and a somewhat medium glycemic load, but you can easily change that by combining them with fats and proteins. Other carbohydrates that are BETTER than the grains are fruits and veggies. Eat any and all you can, and buy frozen too, they tend to have just as many if not more than their fresh counter parts, just make sure there's no added sugar. Vitamins, fiber, and minerals surplus in fruits and veggies.

    - Fat(Nuts, salmon, tuna, oil, dairy, chicken, steak, pork)- Fats are NOT bad! You need to have fat to maintain a healthy heart and blood cholesterol levels. The key is choosing the right TYPE of fat. Nuts, seeds, plant oils, salmon and tuna are the best. These foods contain poly- and mono- unsaturated fats, which are needed for the reasons I stated earlier, and they help carry important nutrients to skeletal muscles. The "bad" fats are saturated fats, found in dairy, fried foods, packaged products, poultry and red meat. There are more, like chocolate and coconut, but we'll talk about those later. These fats actually raise LDL cholesterol(the bad) and are also bad for the heart. But, chocolate and coconut contain medium chain triglycerides, which are actually used for energy, so they are good in moderation.

    -Protein(meats, some plants, non-fat dairy is best)- Protein is needed for everyday body functions and maintain muscle and muscle growth. Protein is found in all meats, some more dense than others. If on a diet, try to stick to lean proteins, such as boneless, skinless chicken breast, pork and beef that have the word "loin" or "lean" in them, and nonfat dairy(greek yogurt is amazing). You can try plant based products if you're vegetarian or just wanting something else, soy is a protein powerhouse, all nuts have a decent amount of protein(yes, even peanut butter, but make sure it's organic :D).

    Now that you know a little bit about the macros, you can work to combine them in a healthy way. When you eat, you should have half of your plate convered with fruits and veggies. Always. Then, one quarter should be grains, and the other should be protein. This will give you a decently balanced meal.

    And yes, you can have dessert, don't try to cover your cheesecake craving with an apple, it just won't work(: Moderation is key.


    1.) Make sure you're eating enough and not starving yourself between meals, you'll just overeat at the next. Snack if you're hungry, just keep it healthy.

    2.) Don't try crash diets, when you come off, forbidden foods will come back to haunt you...

    3.) Divide your calories for what works for you. Do you like to eat small during the day and big at night(vice versa)? Go ahead! Just keep it in your caloric allowance. I will get hate for this, but some studies prove that what time you eat doesn't affect weight! Plus, think about it, ancient man hunted all day and ate big at night, and they surely weren't fat, so why have we changed?

    4.) Exercise! It is needed for a healthy weight loss regimen. It also helps your body digest food, and speeds up metabolism.

    5.) Water. It is important! You need it for proper digestion and studies show that drinking cold water actually boosts metabolism.

    Good luck all!

    "at any and all you can, and buy frozen too, they tend to have just as many if not more than their fresh counter parts, just make sure there's no added sugar. Vitamins, fiber, and minerals surplus in fruits and veggies."


    "he "bad" fats are saturated fats, found in dairy, fried foods, packaged products, poultry and red meat. There are more, like chocolate and coconut, but we'll talk about those late"


    "all nuts have a decent amount of protein(yes, even peanut butter, but make sure it's organic :D). "

    organic pb? lolololol
  • aquinoz
    aquinoz Posts: 182 Member
    flexible dieting is what everyone needs to know about
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    You're in High School :) That's sweet. Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I get the spirit of this post and agree with a lot of it, but ...

    Saturated fat is not the villain it's been made out to be.

    Full-fat dairy is delicious and can be part of a healthy diet.

    Drinking cold water speeds up the metabolism by about 50 calories a day. That's barely a drop in the bucket for most of us.

    What's wrong with non-organic peanut butter?
  • akaythelion
    akaythelion Posts: 25 Member
    Haha I knew I would get hate. Oh well O_o I tried. And I didn't copy and paste... Just did my research and I guess some of it's wrong :P.
  • kgoodman0108
    kgoodman0108 Posts: 158
    Haha I knew I would get hate. Oh well O_o I tried. And I didn't copy and paste... Just did my research and I guess some of it's wrong :P.

    Its not that your information its wrong. There is so much debate about nutrition and how to lose weight. One news article will say that saturated fats are good, while another will say they are bad. Same with every other piece of information you can think of. For example, I think carbs are evil, while the next person who posts will most likely completely disagree with me. :smile:
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Haha I knew I would get hate. Oh well O_o I tried. And I didn't copy and paste... Just did my research and I guess some of it's wrong :P.

    Its not that your information its wrong. There is so much debate about nutrition and how to lose weight. One news article will say that saturated fats are good, while another will say they are bad. Same with every other piece of information you can think of. For example, I think carbs are evil, while the next person who posts will most likely completely disagree with me. :smile:

    They aren't :)
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    Good for you for learning all of that. Thank you for posting your tips up here.

    One thing, soy isn't good for you (do more research on that [keywords: mucus and estrogen]) and coconut and dark chocolate are good for you!

    Like someone said above, there is controversy over "which diet is best, which foods to eat and which to avoid, vegetarian, paleo, crossfit, etc."

    Do what you think is best, but always make sure to do your research and get it from more than one source, it's better to have the big picture and from different perspectives.