1 year, 20 kilos (40 pounds), 3 dress sizes

Have you seen the movie Flubber? Thats what I looked like until a year ago. And I had successfully managed to delude myself that things aren't that bad because I carefully avoided full body photos being taken, bought loose clothing and only listened to kind friends.
But I felt awful most of the time. Digestive problems, skin problems, short of breath... So when I quit smoking, I finally properly checked myself and was in for a shock: I weighed 87kg and had a BMI of over 32! Obese.
For a while I tried the high protein diet that so many people were doing, but it just made me feel sick. In the end I decided to go vegan after reading forks over knives and a study a colleague of my father had conducted, finding conclusive links between dairy consumption and breast cancer.
It was hard. Counting calories was an eye opener - so many things I never even thought about, like fruit juice, sugar in coffee, a banana, just one biscuit... it all adds up. Exercising with that weight - bit painful.
- And of course it took months for anyone to notice. I remember around my birthday in April, I had managed to lose 10kg by then and I was so proud. Yet, no one noticed... Frustrating! But I remembered - I was doing this for myself, for my health, so kept going and every time I fell off the horse, I got back on, no more "It's useless now anyway, I might as well..." as I had done for the last decade, ruining summer after summer for myself, feeling embarrassed.
- that was my breaking point. I finally learnt what I really needed to learn and and stopped lying to myself about: portion control. Even as a Vegan I was still eating too much on most days and the big portions where hard to digest, thats where the problems came from, not Gluten or anything else.
I am now a normal weight again - first time as an adult (I am 34). And I know I will keep it off because I changed my entire lifestyle and took my time- I could no longer eat massive portions. I prefer vegetables, fresh and live food to meat and find fast food gross. I love exercising, and all the energy it gives me and my skin has never been better.

Any of you who are struggling - don't give up. I gave up so many times over so many years and it just got worse as a consequence. All those years feeling bad about myself just because I could not muster the discipline to do something about it - what a waste. It felt impossible at times, because food can be an addiction and habits are so hard to break - it certainly took me a long time and many false starts. But it is worth it.

And it really comes down to just a few very simple rules I gave myself:
1. Burn more energy than you consume. So instead if eating that bag of chips, get your fat *kitten* off the sofa and go for a walk
2. Count your calories and be honest about it!
3. Portion control, portion control, portion contol
4. Keep going even after a bad day- it gets easier!
5. Whenever you crave - think. What is more important?

To those of you who are still on the journey - you are doing great. People who have never been overweight or obese could not possibly understand how hard this is, how much determination, discipline and strength it takes.
And if a Blob like me can do it, seriously, anyone can.


  • sharonocallaghan1956
    This is very inspirational - do you have any before and after photos - I always find them most useful and it gives me the push to go on. Well done you - great to shed so much weight and 3 dress sizes!
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    Wow, thanks so much for sharing this. I'm starting over - again. It's like you wrote this piece just for me. Thanks again.
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