Regaining (just) enough weight after surgery

rwlesq Posts: 2 Member
edited February 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
From May to December-ish, I lost about 45 pounds, going from 210 to 165 by limiting my calorie intake. 165 is about as low as I probably should be, although I had continued to lose another pound or two since then.

Last week, I underwent emergency gallbladder surgery (apparently this is common after losing lots of weight). As a result of the surgery, I'm now down to 159, and seem to be continuing to lose weight (possibly due, at least in partm to some of the digestive issues the surgery causes).

I feel like I need to gain back a few pounds. My concern is that I just want to gain back *a few* pounds and don't want to start a trend where I overshoot my goal. In particular, I'm concerned that if I break my habit of eating reasonable amounts of food, I will have a difficult time reestablishing that habit.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to gain back a little, but not a lot of weight?


  • AzWifenMom
    AzWifenMom Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I have had several surgeries due to Ehlor-Danlos (total of 31), my last one being a major back surgery on Dec 31 - how's that for bring in the New Year with hardware. You body is going to do what it need to heal. Don't worry about gaining anything back right now until it is done healing and adjusting to what it has been through. Just make sure you keep your protein and vitamins up. Until about three to possible 6 months after you surgery, then you can make adjustment. Sometimes you will lose weigh from surgery just because nothing tastes good, you aren't eating as much and pain meds make you feel yucky. Just relax for now, heal, don't do anything your doctor says not to (that can cause a big set back) even if you are feeling better. Hope this helps!
  • rwlesq
    rwlesq Posts: 2 Member
    4Him4me - Thanks for the advise. Hope you are recovering well from your last surgery.