Unrealistic Expectations? :( 30 yr f/ 155lbs

Hello everyone!

I'm a 5'7 155 lb- 30 year old mother of one who is attempting to "get back on the wagon". The first time I tried MFP I went from around 165 lbs to 145 lbs. I logged my food every day and worked out almost every day. In the beginning of this year I stopped logging into MFP because of a military move (and I thought I could maintain my weight loss)... Big mistake! lol...

I've only gained 10 lbs back, but I feel horrible! Even when I was down to 145 I was unhappy with my results. I'm more of a high intensity cardio lover, rather than a weigh trainer, which is probably why I remain unhappy with what I see in the mirror. Though I have continued to workout and slowly add weights, I have almost completely disregarded the nutritional aspect of my fitness routine and can not seem to get back into the groove of watching what I eat and logging.

I am easily discouraged (feeling as though it is all pointless and I will never have the body I want because of my mommies belly and serious case of cottage cheese *kitten*/thighs). I would like to connect with people who have similar issues so that we can motivate one another. I don't want to feel like it is impossible!!

Have you noticed a difference in the appearance of your cellulite? What do you think contributed to the loss? Thanks for all the help!!

**Send me a request if you'd like to team up!!**


  • figee17
    figee17 Posts: 7
    Hey there! I can relate. I am a 33 (how did that happen?) year old mother of one (he will be three this week!) and I have just never been able to get back to prepregnancy weight/shape. Looking back, I was pretty thin (I am also 5'7" and would hover around 125 - 128). Since the "baby", I have NEVER been able to break 130. I started an intense cardio workout "TurboFire" in February and GAINED about 7 pounds. I think I wasn't paying attention enough to nutrition at the time, but I also gained a lot of muscle, but didn't lose the fat.
    I am now tracking food, wearing my BodyMedia armband and doing a mix of TurboFire and Chelean Extreme (a weight based program by the same woman who does TurboFire that I LOVE - and I hated weights before). Between the two exercise programs, I have definitely "firmed up" I just wish the fat would go away too. I am trying to be patient, but its so hard!
    Good luck.
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    Not at all impossible. Look at the pictures on my profile. I'm 35 years old and have an 8-year-old daughter. Nothing is impossible.
  • Congrats to all of you, I on the other hand haven't had te best success.. I'm 21 years old and I've been using MyFitnessPal off and on for the past 3 years and I've had my weight yoyo to the extreme. I started about 185 and I was down to 164 but recently after training morning and night mostly squats, deadlifts, lunges etc I use the Nike Training Club app and I love it but it seems like I don't understand my body. I eat the amount of calories I should during the day, everyone of course has a junk day. But that's not everyday for me. I love meat so meat is number one for me and I eat a lot of meat. I do eat fruits and veggies but again bread it my weakness and that's what I have to work on. What I don't understand is it seems right after I have my period I gain everything I had lost the month before. And I constantly feel bloated and just full all the time. So I'm struggling back up at 168-170 and it's just really bothering my self esteem because I'm working so hard to look good for myself an my boyfriend it just punches my gut. I also have a hug vacation to look forward to in July and I really want to be at least 10 pounds lighter, I'd love to just see 150 something I don't care if its 159. Any suggestions??! Or comments I'm just, I feel stuck and slightly hopeless.
  • Hey there! I can relate. I am a 33 (how did that happen?) year old mother of one (he will be three this week!) and I have just never been able to get back to prepregnancy weight/shape. Looking back, I was pretty thin (I am also 5'7" and would hover around 125 - 128). Since the "baby", I have NEVER been able to break 130. I started an intense cardio workout "TurboFire" in February and GAINED about 7 pounds. I think I wasn't paying attention enough to nutrition at the time, but I also gained a lot of muscle, but didn't lose the fat.
    I am now tracking food, wearing my BodyMedia armband and doing a mix of TurboFire and Chelean Extreme (a weight based program by the same woman who does TurboFire that I LOVE - and I hated weights before). Between the two exercise programs, I have definitely "firmed up" I just wish the fat would go away too. I am trying to be patient, but its so hard!
    Good luck.
    Isn't it strange how women view themselves compared to how others view them? I took a look at your profile and was surprised that you were intending to loose more weight. I was thinking... "If that were me, I would be happy"... but you know what? If I ever did look like you, I would most likely have the same mentality as you (still believing I needed to loose more weight). At 155 lbs, I am roughly the same weight as when I graduated high school. Obviously, never a small girl, and I am wondering if it is even possible for me to make my body look the way I truly want.
    Out of four girls in my immediate family (mother included), I am the only on that has not had some form of weigh loss surgery. This alone, keeps me motivated. I know I sound like I have lost all hope, but that is not at all the case. I just wonder if it is possible for everyone...

    Btw- you already look amazing! :)
  • Not at all impossible. Look at the pictures on my profile. I'm 35 years old and have an 8-year-old daughter. Nothing is impossible.
    Wow!! You look amazing. Congratulations! I can tell that you have put a lot of hard work in to get the results that you have and I hope that you are not offended by this question, but... did you have a tummy tuck? I am by no means implying that you do not deserve praise, because there isn't enough plastic surgery in this world that could give a person the muscle definition you have, but I noticed your mommy tummy in one of your "before" pictures. I am just wondering if it can actually go way???

    Once again... Congratulations on your amazing transformation!
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    Hi, I've struggled with motivation and cellulite issues, too. I was pretty good at starting, but would loose steam pretty quickly. I just lost 30 pounds in a little less than 4 months and a bunch of the cellulite has disappeared.


    I don't believe it's at all unrealistic...you just have to find a good fat loss regimen and motivate yourself to stick with it. :)
  • What has really helped me is the encouragement and motivation I get from the trainers and members of my gym, timed:exercise. It's based in Jacksonville, FL. and its programs combine resistance training and cardio training into a 30:00 minute high intensity class. The instructors there are very motivational and encouraging which really can make a difference if you find it difficult to motivate yourself.

    By being smart and disciplined about what I eat, and following this type of training program, I am down nearly 35 pounds since January of 2013, and well on my way to my next goal.

    Feel free to message me if you'd like to know more.
  • crazeedeysi
    crazeedeysi Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there, Im 31 yr f/168 I want to lose 50 lbs to get back to my high school bod. I just started using mfp and eating healthy and working out about 2 weeks ago, I have lost 5 pounds already. I need pals for motivation.....
  • JCoryea
    JCoryea Posts: 4
    I think you look fantastic!! I do not have the problem of mommy belly, but I do have cellulite still in my butt and thighs. It's hard to stay motivated, but honestly having MFP has DEFINITELY kept me on track with what I am eating and nutrition. I do Zumba 4 nights a week now as an instructor and I have lost more fat apparently because everyone is asking if I have lost weight, I have not, but it must be I'm burning the fat that is in my upper body...... because it is still in my butt and thighs! I will do my best to help keep you motivated!!
  • I think you look fantastic!! I do not have the problem of mommy belly, but I do have cellulite still in my butt and thighs. It's hard to stay motivated, but honestly having MFP has DEFINITELY kept me on track with what I am eating and nutrition. I do Zumba 4 nights a week now as an instructor and I have lost more fat apparently because everyone is asking if I have lost weight, I have not, but it must be I'm burning the fat that is in my upper body...... because it is still in my butt and thighs! I will do my best to help keep you motivated!!
    Thanks Jessica! You are great motivation! :)

    I just really need to get back into this. I was very serous about it... once upon a time. I can be again!
  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    No offense taken. I did have a tummy tuck, but it was after I lost the weight that I did. The overhang you see in the skin is because there were complications with healing. It was just to remove the excess skin that no amount of exercise or diet will ever get rid of, but I had tight abs underneath. (Actually OB/GYN said my labor with my daughter was super easy mainly because of my ab strength.)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Not impossible. I'm 28 and have two kids. I'm 5'9" and weigh 147. I wasn't in shape when I got pregnant and I weighed 217 pounds when my youngest was a year old.

    ETA: I have a bit of loose skin, but it has tightened up well. No tummy tuck.
  • JCoryea
    JCoryea Posts: 4
    No problem!! Anytime you need an encouraging word or motivation you just let me know! I will do the best I can here in VA =)
  • TeeSkog
    TeeSkog Posts: 1
    Hey there :) I'm right along with you. I quit smoking a month ago and I've gained about 10 pounds. I was already out of shape and gaining weight so now I weigh 155 lbs. My goal weight is 130 lbs and I'm hoping I can stick to it so it doesn't take too long. We can do this!!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i can honestly say that if you see my pictures you notice a huge difference, but i look at myself and i dont see much of a change (other than the veins popping in my forearms (least compared to before).

    people think that changing the way you eat and going to the bym and sticking to the workout out are your biggest changes.

    its not.

    its your perception of yourself
  • watermstry
    watermstry Posts: 41 Member
    Katherine, it sounds like you might be a bit of a perfectionist. I know, because I am one myself, and sometimes my perfection gets in the way of me starting something if I'm not sure that I can be successful at it. If this sounds like you too, I suggest reading the book "Present Perfect," or any of the other great books about overcoming perfectionism. They've really just helped me to accept my mom's best advice: "all you can do is the best you can do."

    Maybe it would help for you to take more of a "one day at a time" approach - or even one hour at a time. Instead of getting overwhelmed by a number, you might try focusing on being as healthy as you can TODAY, for the purpose of having energy and being proud of yourself - today. Tell yourself you will log your food - today - and don't worry about tomorrow.