Release your inner beast mode

beastmodeforlife Posts: 10 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello MFP people. My name Bryan and I have been using MFP for about 6 month consistently. I have been a member longer but wasn't using it correctly. I have lost about 35lbs and still looking to lose another 50. I do my best to workout everyday and keep myself motivated, but it always good to have friend on here to keep you motivated. So please feel free to friend me if you like. I use to be a fitness trainer back in the day and stop for Financial reasons. I'm looking to get back into it because I like to help people get into a healthier person.

As for my diet I have been doing intermittent fasting which seems to work the best for me with my busy schedule at work. Intermittent fasting is not for everyone and its hard in the beginning to not eat for a long period of time, but your body does adjust. All an all finding the right diet is key and it will take trial and error until you found what works for you.
I forgot to mention I have a wife and 2 small children which adds to the stress of working out and dieting but you can't give up and have to be strong to become a healthier better you and reach whatever goal you set for yourself.