I Eat Away My Progress on the Weekends



  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    Based on the great info you all have given me, I think I need to pretty much eliminate the drinking (which screws with my sleep pattern anyway) and focus on maintaining a similar diet to what I have during the week.

    This is likely the problem - and I share it! I make my own wine and I love to make it AND drink it so the thought of giving it up altogether depressed me. What I am now doing is logging every glass BEFORE I drink it to make sure it fits in the day. That's harder if you are going out but you could set yourself a limit and log that ahead of time. Then you have to stick to it!
    I still over indulge, especially when the joints are aching or the cramps hit! But not so much, I think. Unless I'm kidding myself. :ohwell:
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    I allow myself 1 cheat day but I cheat in moderation, I eat clean still log and still work out. I will give myself a reward of an anything goes when I hit mini goals I have set. I'm guilty of it as I'm sure everyone is, we call it a diet, we need to look at is as a life style change. If we completely restrict all our cravings we will be more likely to binge eat. If you want a cookie, have 1 cookie, I've found that I will hold off and finally reward myself with it and it wasn't nearly as good as I expected. Best of luck!
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    Based on the great info you all have given me, I think I need to pretty much eliminate the drinking (which screws with my sleep pattern anyway) and focus on maintaining a similar diet to what I have during the week.

    This is likely the problem - and I share it! I make my own wine and I love to make it AND drink it so the thought of giving it up altogether depressed me. What I am now doing is logging every glass BEFORE I drink it to make sure it fits in the day. That's harder if you are going out but you could set yourself a limit and log that ahead of time. Then you have to stick to it!
    I still over indulge, especially when the joints are aching or the cramps hit! But not so much, I think. Unless I'm kidding myself. :ohwell:

    It's funny you say this.. Every night before I go to bed I have my whole next day of food and exercise figured out! I'm less likely to go over my calories if I do this.
  • michellechawner
    It must be just me...

    I barely eat on the weekends, probably because I am out of my normal monday-friday routine. I have no problem staying under those days. Mondays and Fridays are my two days I'm most likely to go over, because of Ladies night (Monday) and Friday being date night.

    Drinking will kill it every time. Cut back. It's better for your health anyways.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I'm not saying drinking is evil or bad but it's just another thing that gets in the way of losing and keeping off weight.

    Everyone has trouble with weekends at some point. You really need to focus on weekends because they're the weakest link.
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 894 Member
    There are no fancy tricks here..... you just have to do what you do during the week. If you want it bad enough you will find the will power to do so on the weekends. Many people are like that. They have a very structured M-Th or F and they are on point....then comes the days off and everything goes to hell.

    I personally just prepare a few days worth of food so all I have to do is pull it out of the fridge. It helps me a little to do this because if I skip the meals I am wasting my money away because I will have to throw away the food if I do not eat it. This does not mean that I never go out to eat or what not... I just plan it out the best that I can in my daily eating.

    I so need to do that, I struggle with the weekends. I am structured and disciplined during the week, then on the weekend we are running, have functions to attend and that is the hardest for me!!
  • mikkimomof3
    mikkimomof3 Posts: 224 Member
    I struggle with cheat days..always have. I did the same thing as you for a long time and one day I decided to focus on commitment to the lifestyle instead of focusing on the number on the scale. I started rewarding myself for going so many days without cheating (with non food items of course ;) ) ...and after a few weeks it all got so much easier. I only weigh in every couple of weeks now and try not to stress the number if I know I'm doing what my body needs. If you stick with it, it will eventually come off. Don't try and do too much too fast...focus on reaching your calorie/nutritional goals each day and when you've managed to do that for a week with NO overages...treat yourself to a pedicure or some alone time (which is a huge treat to this mom of three, lol). This has worked wonderfully for me and I view food in a completely different way.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member

    I appreciate your input. I can reassure you that I will be leading a less "destructive" life.

    I see that you are also going through a weight loss journey and I know that you can relate in some way shape or form to working on sacrifice and control. You are right, I do not want to wake up when I am older and drastically overweight to ask myself why I did not take action sooner. It will be twice as hard not only on me physically and emotionally.

    I am half way through my journey. 25 lbs. down. I am very proud of how far I've come and acknowledging that my weekends are problematic to my weight loss is step 1. Getting support and knowing you arent alone and that this is tangible is step 2. On to step 3 ;-)

    I am so glad for you. You are a beautiful, young lady. You deserve the very best life possible. :flowerforyou: