


  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    Listen to this and if it doesn't relax you I don't know what will :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Heavy deadlifts

    I agree with this too. Exercise has done wonders for my anxious personality. And dead lifts are where it's at. Squats on the other hand, not as much-for me :)

  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    Mine is mostly autoiumme related, so avoiding my (food) triggers is a good start. But if it does come on suddenly, I use lavender oil (either in a nice warm bath or on my feet and chest) and it helps a lot to calm me down. So does sleepytime tea and yoga. Or if I'm able, doing some sprinting helps settle the "hamster on a wheel" feeling sometimes. And in the middle of a really heavy attack, just meditative breathing (slow in, slow out) and focusing on something positive helps me not totally lose it before the attack eases. Best of luck!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    justcat206 wrote: »
    Mine is mostly autoiumme related, so avoiding my (food) triggers is a good start.
    This interests me as I suffer from autoimmune issues but didn't know it could cause anxiety. Could you elaborate?

  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    Sure. Hashimotos runs in my family. So does depression, anxiety, panic attacks and self-harm. My symptoms seem to be largely triggered by consuming gluten and dairy (although sometimes I get a flareup during a certain point in my cycle). When I'm having a flareup, the anxiety, depression and panic attacks return. When I keep my autoimmune issues in check, I almost never experience these symptoms (and they were BAD for almost all my life). Circumstantial evidence perhaps, though I have someone on my FL who said he's read actual scientific research that links autoimmune inflammation and the part of the brain where depression is seated. Anxiety is usually the first symptom I get before all the physical things set in. Does that make sense?
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    Interesting. I had half my thyroid removed almost 10 years ago due to cancer. I went to the clinic on Saturday for a 4-day long anxiety attack (I felt pressure on my throat), the doctor palpated my thyroid and said it feels nodular. Because I feel pressure on my throat, I freak out and have an anxiety attack.

    I also suffer from premature ovarian failure and am on HRT. I had noticed that in certain points of the drug cycle, my anxiety is worse. I eat Gluten Free already because I was having severe stomach issues, but I do love my dairy.

    This is all very interesting to me and it's starting to all make sense. I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday and you've given me a lot of things to talk to her about. Thank you!

    And sorry to the OP for taking over your thread :wink:
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    Interesting. I had half my thyroid removed almost 10 years ago due to cancer. I went to the clinic on Saturday for a 4-day long anxiety attack (I felt pressure on my throat), the doctor palpated my thyroid and said it feels nodular. Because I feel pressure on my throat, I freak out and have an anxiety attack.

    I also suffer from premature ovarian failure and am on HRT. I had noticed that in certain points of the drug cycle, my anxiety is worse. I eat Gluten Free already because I was having severe stomach issues, but I do love my dairy.

    This is all very interesting to me and it's starting to all make sense. I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday and you've given me a lot of things to talk to her about. Thank you!

    And sorry to the OP for taking over your thread :wink:

    Good luck! Hope they can get you some answers. It's frustrating how much of this stuff seems to be trial and error. Hope it works out soon :)
  • kaylacarol1989
    kaylacarol1989 Posts: 76 Member
    no worries!