
uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
I started this journey on MFP last year for about a month. I was not too over weight at the time. I lost close to what I wanted and got married. The marriage started to get rough after 3 months and I got depressed. I began to eat uncontrollably over the holidays and went from 138 (aprox) to 163 (present). I started again here on MFP 4 days ago (actually started my plan 3 days ago, just signed up 4 days ago). I did not weigh myself for fear of getting discouraged, but yesterday got the guts to step on the scale and I feel better. I actually thought I was less, but saw over 160 and realized I needed to face the truth. I'm glad I did, because when I see the loss in the future weeks I will have greater reward. I am really doing this for me, my self esteem, my health and not just for a wedding day. I have become so hibernate the past months. Today is the 4th day and my calves hurt something Awesome. I like work out pain, not couch or bed sore pain that I was getting from not moving and feeling down on myself. I am doing step/bench aerobics 4 times a day for 15 min and staying at (around) 1200 a day. I started doing some weights (hubby has full equipment in our garage) yesterday. Only a few reps, but I am encouraging myself for more today (getting my feet wet, so to say). Positive self talk and my faith is pulling me through, oh and of course MFP which makes it more real and I feel more in control by charting my efforts. I love reading here on the board and getting tips and inspiration! I am 47 y/o and am ultimately trying to get to my fav size of 127 where I have been many times before:) Bless all of you on this journey.