Looking for some buddies!! Late 20s, getting ready to walk down the aisle... :)

FighterGal86 Posts: 5 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I'm not technically new to MFP but I'm ready to give it a real go now (kinda just signed up before)...
I'm 28, a teacher, and getting married this summer... must look fabulous in that dress!!
I'm pretty active and know a lot about good nutrition, but I just eat way too much! What can I say, I love yummy food... Also my fiance is an athlete and comes home at like 9:30pm and eats a huge meal... and of course wants company! So I end up eating with him even though I totally should not.
I'm hoping to have someone check my daily logs so that there's some accountability when I go off the rails. Happy to do the same for you!

Age - 28
Height - 5'5"
CW - 140ish
Goal - 130ish
(Heaviest was 155, lightest was 128).

Friend me if you want to be motivation buddies! Would especially appreciate someone with similar stats. :)
