Over 60, overweight with COPD

Hi everyone, I'm coming back to MFP after being away for a year....same with Fitbit and the gym. Why? I was severely depressed having gone thru 8 operations in 5 years; 3 sprained knees, plantar fasciitis, COPD (even though I stopped smoking 2 years ago and do not have asthma, bronchitis or any other problem except I can't exhale). You cannot laze around for 2 years especially in your 60's and not have what little muscle you have go to fat. I am 80 lbs overweight and it's time to get off the pity pot. The last time I joined MFP I really did not participate in any of the discussions nor take true advantage of what the program has to offer. I only checked it out, logged in weight and measurements...then quit. But not this time, I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself. I will need you and I want you to be my friend. Thank you for reading my rant. Gail


  • mcgowanc2
    mcgowanc2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Gail. Are you still looking for a MFP friend? My name is Carol, I am 74 years old and also have COPD (ex smoker also) I had a problem with a 'statin' medication I was on and lost 20 pounds in less than 6 weeks, unfortunately it was all muscle. Once the medication problem was taken care of I put on almost 40 pounds in what seemed like an instant. I have been yo-yo dieting for quite a while now, but it is time to get serious. My husband is definitely a good support, but I need a woman friend. If you are still looking for a friend, please answer my post. This is the first time I have ever done any posting, so I am hoping you even get this. Let me hear from you. I guess I just check back here. I am clueless!
  • lwyatt55
    lwyatt55 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Leesa same for me ex smoker with COPD. Start slow and eat protein protein and more protein cut out all carbs
  • nglowey
    nglowey Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Gail, Carol and Leesa: My name is Gail also (actually Norma Gail) I am 69 years old and have never been on MFP before. My daughter suggested that I look for a support group. I am to wear a CPAP mask, but don't always use it. I am a diabetic so struggle with insulin level issues along with losing weight. I was in a wheel chair 6 years ago after a surprise trip to Hawaii by my elder daughter and son-in-law. Two neurologists told my husband to put me in a nursing home, as I would never walk again. They put me on massive does of oxycodine. My elder daughter suggested we move from Regina to Vancouver Island where her family is because there was good alternative medics here. I went to a naturopath who used laser on my back. Long story short is wheel chair, walker, cane, walking after one year, with no oxycodine! Still take some pain killers, but minimal.
    I need support as my husband is not supportive in the weight loss, food issue. He is supportive in many other ways but not in this. He needs to lose weight too and get more fit. I find the exercises, even adapted, very hard...when I do them. I am basically a couch potato who likes it inside...or do I...maybe it is just the excess weight and non-fitness that is talking!
    I have been following the program (minus the exercise), eating lots of protein and less carbs. Steps per day average 2500. Please help me with a post. Thanks. Hugs.