


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    You've been given a lot of great advice, so I can't add much! Don't feel guilty about what you eat! You're logging it and that, in and of itself, is FANTASTIC! I eat out a lot too, i log it and try to atone for my sins the rest of the day LMAO! if you have friends on mfp who judge what you eat (and dont offer HELPFUL advice or support) - delete them! Add ones who ARE supportive and encouraging, but will also help guide you into being a better you!

    For myself, I discovered that when my time of month is coming, i get hungry and tired and moody and just BLAH! its NOT in our minds!

    Also sleep is a big issue for a lot of people! Make SURE you get enough (personally i NEED 7 and do BEST on 8-9) fortunately, I don't have sleep issues LOLOLOL :P my dad works 3rd shift and has for years and he has chronic sleep problems and it sucks :(