Scared to reach goal weight?

Hi everyone, I know this might sound crazy (and I still have another 30+ lbs to go!) but I feel like I am getting a little scared of *actually* reaching my goal weight. I have been overweight my whole life (thinnest I ever got in adulthood was low 170s) but this time I know I have really committed mentally, emotionally and physically to reaching my GW of 154 lbs. I just feel like I'm a little scared. My whole life I've felt like a "fat person" and I'm starting to feel less that way...and it's scary! I hope it will be liberating, too, but right now I feel a little like my shell is coming off...I don't want this to inhibit my weight loss.

Oh, and I should mention I recently had a medical diagnosis of insulin-resistance (not diabetic, though) which could explain why I have been overweight much of my life, craved sweets and had a hard time losing weight - I think now that I have an "explanation" and I've started taking medicine to balance insulin I feel like there is even a greater chance of me reaching GW which probably adds to why I am freaking out a little bit...

Anyone else struggled with feelings like this?


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have anxiety about it sometimes, just because I've never not be overweight! o: I totally understand how you feel. Honestly, being thin for me has always been a fantasy, but I never thought I would be able to make progress until now. There was another thread on here talking about being scared of the attention she could receive after losing the weight - for someone like me who prefers being unnoticed most of the time, this is something I'm quite anxious about.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have some anxiety about whether I can do healthy maintenance. While I am in the mode of losing, it is one of the most important things going on in my life and I stay on top of it. I hope I won't let it drift into the background when I reach my goal.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Just imagine how awesome you're gonna be and feel when you reach that goal.

    Now imagine how awesome you are regardless of weight-loss.

    Either way, you're awesome, lady.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    My anxiety was about maintaining it - would I hit goal weight and then immediately derail without the external reward of seeing scale weight drop?

    Turns out I can, in fact, maintain :)

    It can be scary losing weight. If you weren't happy overweight, being at your chosen weight might be a let-down. It doesn't automatically grant happiness or contentment. Your problems don't go away when you are at a healthy weight (Though your health problems might!). You cannot blame laziness or exhaustion on being overweight. If people still don't like you it might be due to your bad personality instead of body ;) I'm joking, but there's some honesty here too: if you were using your weight as an excuse or crutch, you won't have that anymore, and that can be difficult.

    For me, losing gave me something to strive toward, and I do really well with a goal in mind and not-so-well if I'm floundering. I was definitely concerned about how maintenance would go. I had to redefine success and change my goals once I hit my chosen weight. Now, my goals alternate between strength gains and training for races. I'm still always striving for something.

    Good luck as you continue to progress toward your goal :)
  • fitjerseygirl
    fitjerseygirl Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks guys - this has been really helpful! :) And congrats to all those who have lost weight - you are such an inspiration to me.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm feeling a little ambivalent about reaching my goal weight. I'm only about 20 lbs away. So far, 50 lbs down, I've not noticed this fabled inundation of attention that many people talk about. I don't know if this last 20 lbs will make any difference either. Also, with the weird way the mind works, my progress has been quite slow so it feels like I've always been this size. I've forgotten what it feels like to be bigger even though I logically know I was...