Need to lose 135lbs

any advice on losing this much weight plz feel free to comment. Wow i didnt even realize it was that much i needed to lose...feeling discouraged


  • kdkfkdkjd
    any advice on losing this much weight plz feel free to comment. Wow i didnt even realize it was that much i needed to lose...feeling discouraged

  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    I started back in May of this past year. I was 304+ and I needed to lose 160-164 to get to where I wanted to be. Currently, I have lost 106lbs since I started. Clearly I have a bit more to go but I'm miles ahead of where I was.

    What worked for me was really pre-plan each day. The night before sit down with your app or computer and figure out what you're going to eat that next day. So you know you'll be under and not have to worry about oh *kitten* you over ate, picked the wrong foods, etc. Maybe that's too OCD but I like planning ahead. I like to add in new foods and rotate things that I liked so I don't get bored. I also try to stick 2300 and under with sodium to keep water weight down, personal preference, so planning ahead makes sure I'm not going crazy with sodium stuff. I also cut out pop/soda entirely back on May 2nd when I started. It doesn't do anything good for you so I said I was done. I drink A LOT of water. I still have teas and I'll work in starbucks into my calories when I want one.

    I work out every other day. I did mostly cardio before but now I do about 75% cardio and 25% weights when I go. I swapped around what I did, mostly elliptical and bike, all elliptical, elliptical bike and treadmill, all arc machine, and now arc and elliptical. I just up my time a bit or crank up the resistances to get a harder burn from time to time. Weights I raise the amounts every other week. I figure once I'm closer to goal weight I can up the weight time more to get that strength look I want. I don't eat back my calories I get from exercise. Sometimes I'll add in an extra 100-200 if I'm super hungry or craving things but usually I just ignore the extra. You can eat them back and still be successful, its what works for you.

    Don't be discouraged. Easier said than done. Being a woman we have crazy period stauls. So I weigh daily and keep track of the random gains or loses. I know the trend in relation to my period, week before I'll gain 5-7 lbs for no reason lol. But I try not to freak out I know it will pass. Its learning what your body does basically. Know you can get stuck 10-15 days and even that will pass eventually. Just try to push thru.

    Take pics and measurements every 10 lbs and save it all. TRUST ME you will see a difference one day it just clicks and you're like WOW *kitten* I was gross and now look at me, damn progress. lol. This isn't a linear journey so it will be filled with ups and downs, success, and failures. Just don't let one day or even two days "over" get you to quit. Just keep it up and start over. <3 Hope that helps some. GL

    Cheers, much love.