Difficult to up calories

So I decided to maintain, properly this time I hope as I don't think I should be losing more weight. But gosh, it's so difficult all of a sudden to eat more. I'm eating an extra banana between breakfast and lunch, but I got so used to my snack vegetables (next to my computer. I take pieces without thinking about it) after lunch that I don't want to eat anything else. Plus I need something rich in Vitamin C for my iron supplement I'm taking. Bigger portions? Then I feel stuffed and not well at work. More calorie dense food? Hmpf.. I don't like peanut butter and have so far only found salted or oil roasted (my stomach can't deal with them) nuts. I'm already taking a bigger piece of cheese after lunch and the canteen ladies won't give me an even bigger one. I certainly don't want to eat more sweets or crisps again as I'm hoping that I've kicked off this habit. And the most annoying reason: While restricting my caloric intake I never felt like I've missed something, nor did I feel hungry. I also never really changed anything on my dinner, the biggest meal of the day: I've been eating the same amounts as ever, and honestly: if I would I'd feel stuffed.


  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    so how many calories are you actually eating now?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    are you eating full fat dairy? swap chicken and turkey for pork and beef, and white fish for tuna or salmon.
  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    Juicing works for me. I can't eat anywhere near the size of what I used to and it's a great way to up the calories in a healthy way.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    I don't eat much dairy because I get heartburn from it. I eat European cheese with a decent amount of fat as snack, yes. Today I'll be at around 1430, which is below my TDEE. No pork available here, and beef or fatty fish of half-decent quality are ridiculously expensive. A tuna steak we had recently, about 100 grams each was 30 USD, to give you an idea. Chicken and white fish are cheap and good quality. Plus I don't have the choice in the canteen anyway. It's either chicken or white fish. Or if I'm lucky there's mutton.

    Tonight we had beef incidentally, Thai fried garlic and pepper meat (should have been pork, but alas) with rice and green papaya salad. This was about 566kcal, which is rather normal for my dinner. I'll go to bed in about 3 hours, and will feel full for the rest of the evening.

    I think I need to get used to eating more again. My guess is that I just need a bit more time. Lets be honest, since I moved here I'm eating more dense food, compared to 6 slices of bread and some other stuff that really fills up the stomach but doesn't last long. Maybe my stomach just needs to get used to eating a bit more again.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Can you get peanuts roasted in the shell where you are? How about dried fruit like raisins?

    I agree eating more is a new habit to get used to.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    No dried fruits: kicking off sugar habit and heart burn again. I've been pretty sick in last July, and I think my stomach got a big hit from all the medicines that I had to take. It's either avoiding a lot of things or taking PPIs. To be honest, I prefer the former as no side-effects :wink: No, haven't found such peanuts yet. I'll do a stroll throught the supermarkets next Saturday (the one after next, I'm on vacation next weekend) to see if I get more ideas.