What is your weekly weight loss goal?



  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    When I read posts on the forum, it seems like a lot of people have their weight loss set to 2lbs a week, which seems really high to me. I'm a big girl, 5'5" @240lbs, and I have mine set to .5 loss per week. By having the slower rate of loss, I get a lot more calories to work with, and I'm not quite so disappointed if I don't lose every week. To me, that just seems easier to maintain than a 2lbs loss. I also wear a fitbit and log my exercises, and I don't eat back my exercise calories. Most weeks my loss is greater than .5lbs, but some weeks I maintain or even gain. I'm okay with this, so long as there is a general downward trend. I figure weight loss is hard enough, why make it torturous by trying to restrict my eating so much I'm going to burn out and binge eat?

    Have you tried increasing your activity level enough to burn off the difference in calories?

    I have mine set to lose 1 pound a week which is about 500 calories a day for me. I try to burn at least that many calories each day by walking at a 4 mph pace and/or bike riding.

    I have been doing this for over 6 months now and have lost almost 30 pounds so far. I still have about another 25 to go, and i feel much better due to the exercise.