2000 calorie diet and working out

I picked the 2000 calorie diet because it is something I can stick to long term. I love food and I love eating, and so far I have averaged that the past 3 weeks I can manage on around 1500-1700 calories.
I am not in a huge rush to loose weight, I gained 80 pounds between high school and college, and I would love to be a size 10 again (I am on 18 now).
I walk a lot of the week, about 4 or five days (and at work I am standing for eight hours, I work at the thrift store) and try different variations of speed and incline (mixing it up a bit).
I guess my question is that if I am going in the right direction? I cannot get to the gym every day of the week or walk everyday because of family and other occurrences, even though I want to.

Is this diet effective? I mean, I don't want to gain weight and so far with my little bit I have been doing I lost 10 pound in the three weeks.
Does anyone have success with this?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have never heard of the '2000 calorie diet'?

    If it's just eating 2000 cals then it depends what your TDEE is to whether it would work.
  • activgrl
    activgrl Posts: 13 Member
    In order for 2000 calories to work, you need to look at what you're burning. To lose weight, you have to burn more than you take in. (almost as) simple as that.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    As long as 2000 cals is less than what your body burns all day, you're good to go and will lose. Sounds like it's working with the weight you've lost so far.

  • int3rpo1
    int3rpo1 Posts: 17
    edited February 2015
    2000 calories isn't really a diet for weight loss, unless that happens to be the amount of your daily calories minus ~20%. Find a good calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you should be consuming each day and track your progress and adjust from there. =)
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Is 2,000 calories what MFP recommended as your target? It seems like it might be a bit high for weight loss.
  • "and so far I have averaged that the past 3 weeks I can manage on around 1500-1700 calories."

    So why do you want to eat more aka 2000. It sounds like you want to lose quite a bit of weight, and the first bit does come off faster. Don't try to follow some diet plan. Do what's working for you.