What was the moment?



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The day that I casually looked up my height to weight ratio and it told me I was clinically obese. That was the day my 5'4", 195 lb *kitten* started getting serious.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Realizing that I had hit the same weight I had been at 9 months pregnant.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    There were a lot of moments... when the biggest size in the big girl store didn't fit me any more, when I didn't want to go out because I had nothing to wear and I felt so incredibly self conscious, when I couldn't go to restaurants that only had booths because I couldn't fit, when I had a hard time breathing just after walking short distances, when my back hurt from doing simple things like housework, when I realized I was sacrificing my health and my quality of life, when I saw myself in the rare photograph that I allowed to be taken, when I was out in public and people looked at me as if I was a freak of nature, when I looked in the mirror and thought, "this isn't me any more". Enough was enough, somehow the switch in my head flipped, and I am now heading in the direction I want to go :-)
  • Shellyyy7928
    Shellyyy7928 Posts: 78 Member
    The first time I started MFP was a month after my daughter turned 1 and I had come down from having her at 200ish pounds to only 175 (sounds like a good amount but most of that was the first 3 months after I had her) and I realized that I barely had any pictures of me with my own child. That I got angry when people would try because I hated how I looked. Got from 175 in feb 12 to 155ish in Nov 12. Was so proud of myself. Then got wrapped up in life stopped counting and went back up to 175 in march 13 at my physical. I couldn't believe it. This time around I've added in excersize. Before it was just counting with my only movement being work and chasing my daughter. I've found a love for hiking and dancing by myself around the house and jogging and just moving! And as of today I've lost 10 pounds since march! So proud of myself! :) just hop this time I can stick to it lol
  • cyoka13
    cyoka13 Posts: 288 Member
    Not recognizing myself in a picture. I had a birthday party at my house for my son. When reviewing the photos, I saw a picture and I thought "Who is this woman in my house?"....It was me. Granted, it was a candid shot and I was slouching, but I could not believe I had put on so much weight.

    That was October 2012. I had a couple of months after that which were still a bit stressful and busy (between work and school) so I did not start my weight loss right away. For Christmas I requested a balance ball, weights and workout clothes. The day after Christmas I started MFP and started moving.

    Just a little background - I have always been athletic and slim. In my early 20's, life got busy and I put my fitness on the back burner. When I saw that picture, I was probably about 25ish lbs. overweight. For me, that was a lot. I am 28 and I figured if I don't get my health back on track now, it would just be that much harder as I age.

    I am so happy I saw that picture. I had gotten to a point where I was like "I am older now, so my body is different." Yes, it may be different but it also had a bunch of fat on it ;) I am working now that I am pretty close to my goal weight to decrease my body fat percentage rather then just drop pounds.
  • loislenski
    loislenski Posts: 89 Member
    For me, I had known I was getting up there for a long time but when I finally tipped over into the overweight category for BMI... that's when I decided to make some changes.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    I looked in the mirror one day around Christmas and though "I don't like how I look, or feel." Something has got to change. And it has for the better.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    When my grandma came to visit and the first words out of her mouth were "Girl, you're getting fat!" Then she had a serious talk with me about my lifestyle and asked me to make changes so I don't end up like my mother, who has Type 2 diabetes.

    Definitely kicked it into gear after that.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Went to visit my GRAND girls in Denver. Ended up at some kind of water park. Had to wear a swimsuit. Fell off some dang raft on a "lazy river" ride. Could not get my butt back on the rafter. I was on the verge of crying the entire day. Picture from that day is one that motivates e. Now I have skinny pictures to encourage me.

    Shirley in Oregon
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    i had quite a few moments, including being asked if i was pregnant.
    but i never followed through for more than a month, EVER.

    i've been at this for 4 months now and i think it's because this january i realized if i would have stuck with my diet LAST january, i would be around my goal weight already. and i keep wasting my life, thinking i have my whole life to get skinny. but no, if i don't do it now, i won't do it ever.
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    I hit 250 lbs and my wife hit almost 190 lbs. We both basically freaked, nodded at each other, and started fixing it. Seriously fixing it starting in January.

    I've got around 10-20 lbs more to go, but that's fine. I'm still somewhat pudgy.
  • bevconstantino
    I have been trying for a while to get those last few pounds off. I lost 40 pounds 2 years ago. still have 35 to go. I can get down another 10 then it comes back on and I have been stuck at the same weight for at least a year. I went to put my belt on after struggling to put on a pair of jeans and the belt would not come together. That was it I will not continue to do this.
  • dayahobbbs
    dayahobbbs Posts: 10 Member
    I told myself I'd never get above 200 pounds in my life, never thinking I'd really even get close to it because through out high school I'd been pretty attentive to my weight, and when I graduated I had dropped a lot.

    It happened though, slowly, and looking back I see those mile markers that I should have noticed.
    The moment though was when I bought a large swimsuit online and it would barely go past my knees when I tried to put it on.
    It still hurts to think about since I use to wear a medium.
    AND they suggest you buy a smaller size.

    I couldn't do it after that, I couldn't bare to be 2x anymore. It wasn't even the weight that was bothering me, it was the fact that I let myself keep making excuses to accept something that was only my fault, no one forced me to over eat, no one forced me to stay on the couch and watch TV.
    Those were my choices, and I felt like I was being irresponsible with my body.
  • Darknightswifey
    Darknightswifey Posts: 23 Member
    For me it was after my second baby. Her first halloween and we went pumpkin picking and wanted to go on the hay ride but I was so big and embarrassed I didn't want to climb up the hay bales they were using as steps after watching other heavy set people crawling up on their hands and knees. My husband walked up with our toddler and then I handed him up the baby and said sorry, I'm not coming. When he got back both the girls where crying and a lady on the hay ride was helping him with the two screaming babies =( I felt so horrible!!! A year went by and I lost about 40 something pounds and we went back there and I walked right up their little hay ride steps! =] best feeling!!! Since that "Moment" I've lost over 60 pounds
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    My moment was unfortunately on my wedding day when I realized that I had gained 20 lbs since I'd bought my wedding dress 7 months prior. (I eat when I'm stressed....) Thankfully the dress was laced up the back and all the alterations were done around the same weight I was on the actual wedding day.

    I'd been on the edge of normal/overweight BMI for a while but hadn't really tried hard enough at any diet plan or lifestyle change so they all flopped.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    For me, it was going to buy new dress pants since my current fat pants didn't fit. Nothing in the men's section fit, so I wandered over to the small Big and Tall Section. I was able to find a pair of 48 pants that fit, which was about the largest size the store sold. I realized that if I let it keep going, I would soon have to start shopping at Big and Tall specialty stores, and I'm not that tall. I decided to change things. I cut out the crap, started running and dropped 90 lbs. I'm in the top end of the healthy range on body fat now, but I have started doing Insanity to try and cut that number down into the teens.
  • noircurls
    noircurls Posts: 35
    Spent most of my time self-harming, thinking about self-harming, and having suicidal ideations . And when I wasn't doing that I was busy stuffing my face with whatever was in the house. After having a terrible breakdown in December I decided that I couldn't live like that anymore. I wasn't happy with what I let myself become. Overweight, uninspired, and empty. I needed something in my life that would help me cope with my emptiness and day to day boredom. I'm quite happy now. I'm stronger than ever, and I'm in love with lifting and running.
  • DeenerN
    DeenerN Posts: 41 Member
    Great posts, I have enjoyed listening to them all. Another thing that is kind of an Ah ha moment for me is when I see persons who are afflicted with terminal disease and I think what am I doing? I just have a thyroid problem, I have something that can be worked on and controlled, stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something, stop wasting yourself and be glad for what you are given cause there's other that don't have the oppurtunity to erradicate there illness or afflictions.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    A culmination of things... firstly complacency. Couldn't see it, was so busy living my life and telling myself my clothes had shrunk in the wash or that a certain store's sizing had gotten far less generous etc... stupid I know, complete stubbourn refusal to see what was happening but it didn't feel that way at the time.

    I did a charity skydive and it was the first time I'd stepped on a scale in about four years. I kid you not, I had gained 20 pounds. The guy who had to "carry me" in the tandem jump was the same guy who'd just come back from "carrying" a guy who was about 6ft tall and not slim by any means. I got the biggest guy because let's face it, I was the biggest girl. I have no idea how I was still getting into those clothes.

    It was like a window shattering, it all made complete sense. I'd been eating whatever, doing little to no activity and just telling myself it was okay because I could squeeze myself into something. And all of a sudden I could see it wasn't sticking zips or loose buttons... it was me. And I could see the thick band of fat around my hips, oozing around my waistband. I could see my belly in the photos, it wasn't just an unflattering angle.
    As cruel irony, I just dug out my "fat shorts" as I'm on holiday in a few weeks and... no. There's no way I can do the button on those. Even the clothes are trying to tell me now!

    As you said, what am I doing? I have something that can be worked on and contolled... so I'm setting out to do it!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    The moment for me was the horror and anger I had when my aunt posted a picture from this past Christmas of me on facebook...I had thought I looked pretty good that night..obviously not...I was so embarrassed! I immediately told my aunt to please take the picture down and started on January 6th...have not looked back. How could I spend another winter not losing weight, then get to summer and say the same thing to myself "by next summer I will be thin and wear cute summer clothes"...I just could not bear to do that again!