
Hi everyone. I've been using MFP on and off for the past year, but have made the commitment to make this time different, and hopefully stick to it a lot more consistently! My name is Olivia, I live in New Mexico. Looking to lose weight in the healthiest way possible and get in better shape throughout the whole thing. I mostly do work out video at home, run, do yoga, and will hike either solo or with my dogs. I want to get back into lifting, and have really enjoyed most kettlebell workouts I've done before. My big issue is getting home from work in a bad mood, eating whatever is in reach (or that I went out and bought, oops) and then sitting around far longer than I should, 'specially after spending most of the day in front of my office computer. Started a (mostly) vegetarian diet this past December. Looking for support wherever I can find it, potential new Internet friends :)