Figuring out this community

I have been doing MFP for a few weeks now and really like it. I am 5'3" and currently weigh 152. This is 17 pounds up from my low of 135 two years ago. After that low, I was hovering quite happily around 138 and then after some personal issues last spring, I started gaining. Now I am at my highest in 6 years. I can't even explain how discouraged I feel. I wake up each morning hating myself for letting my weight and health get so out of control. It often feels like a runaway train and I'm powerless to stop it. I know so many of the key factors to loose weight, I just can't seem to do it. But, the one thing I know is I won't ever give up completely. I will keep starting over every day until I succeed. I have to stop beating myself up. I have to acknowledge and congratulate myself on my small wins. I need to make a shift in my thinking so I can make the shift in my actions. I have to realize that I'm not going to get back to where I was overnight, it will take time. I have accept that I have work to do and that is the only way I'll reach my goals.


  • mjtranter65
    mjtranter65 Posts: 18 Member
    Great username. Similar situation with life curveballs and related weight recovery efforts. Any short term goals? A lunchtime walk or something -unless it's cold there too. Do you have a support network?
  • coconuteclipse
    coconuteclipse Posts: 1 Member
    Completely understand and my situation is very similar. I'm 5'1" at a high of over 150. Was down to almost 130 for my wedding last June and just kept letting it slip/creep back up. I try over and over and over to get back on my good and healthy routine. I actually LOVE it when I eat healthy, workout, and love myself. I'm trying to get back to that amazing place. And then stay there for good. It's so hard and sometimes feels like an eternal struggle, but I know we can do it. I will never give up. Good luck on your journey.
  • mrsushu
    mrsushu Posts: 13 Member
    You definitely are in the right mindset. I went through a similar phase in my life where I lost 35-40 lbs and gained 50 lbs back. But, it was the realization that I felt powerless that I couldn't go back to where I was overnight -- exactly how you felt-- that made me chase my goals. However, the second time around, you'll be more prepared, more focused, and more experienced. So I'm positive this time around, you'll do even better then before.
  • juliekathleen135
    juliekathleen135 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am in a better place today than two days ago. No, the scale has not moved, but I have been eating better and have been steering towards my regular exercise routine--yoga/pilates classes at least 4 x week and have been using my treadmill and Total Gym again. I'm not to where I was, but am working towards getting there. I get good support from my sister, but my husband is another story. Some days he is helpful and others he completely doesn't recognize my struggle--those days I just keep pushing forward. My short term goal is to be 145 by March 9th (going to Mexico). I know this is pretty unrealistic, but I am going to try to get as close as I can. If I make this more reasonable like 148, I don't think I will try as hard. Staying focused, getting the exercise in (very key for me), and being prepared by having the good foods ready to go are the biggest part of my plan at this point.

    One other thing...any suggestions on groups at MFP?