Sore for no good reason?

I haven't worked out in a while and I started the workout on youtube. It was a beginners workout thing and literally it was just the thing where you spread your legs apart and then you bend over and touch your right hand to your left foot, then you bend back up and then do the other side. I'm 5'10" and 225 lbs so I'm not like super overweight but when I started to do the next exercise (which was lunges) I had to turn the video off because I had a really bad pain in my leg. It's not directly behind my knee but a little bit up from that. Its where you can feel that bone or muscle or whatever it is. It was hard to walk for a bit, I kept trying. Its about 15-20 minutes later and I'm able to walk but theres like a heat in my entire legs now. and its sore in that one spot. This happened in both legs. Do I have so much weight my body can't handle it? Like I thought you had to be super big for that to happen? I didn't have this issue before.


  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    Okay I looked it up, its the Semimembranosus which is part of the hamstrings.
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    It depends which side of the knee you're talking about. There's three main muscles that run down the back of your leg. Is it the outside or inside of your knee?
  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    Its above the back of my knee in the center. Not directly behind the knee, but up about 4-6 inches.
  • lexielainex
    lexielainex Posts: 98 Member
    edited February 2015
    If it's that high up its most likely the semitendinosus or biceps femoris aka one of your hamstrings. I would keep it easy, ice and not try to stretch it for a few days.