Putting my eating disorder behind me

hi everyone! My name is talia and I turned 18 last year.

I have always had a horrendous relationship with food. I was always overweight as a child until I began dieting in high school.

I went from 140 lbs to around 85 pounds in about 2 years time. I much of my hair and my skin and nails were disgusting. It got to the point where some friends/family who I had not seen in a while were afraid to mention my weight loss because they thought I had cancer or something.

At that time a "good day" for me would be eating around 500 calories. I did binge often and that may have slowed my weight loss down a little bit also kept me alive.

1.5 years ago, I made a decision to recover. I had started dating and realized that I wanted to eventually have a family. My eating disorder would ultimately take away my ability to.

I started eating more and the weight did not come back on. I had given myself the goal to reach at least 100-110 pounds but the scales never went past 90.

I was stuffing my face with over 2000 calories a day and all that did was make me feel sick. Eventually I stopped force-feeding myself and made sure to eat at least my BMR.

While I did not gain any weight, everything else went back to normal. My hair grew back and my skin and nails are better than ever. My period returned and my blood tests have been fine.

So if anyone actually read the entire thing, I am here mostly for support and tracking my progress. I am really just looking to maintain right now even though I am quite underweight. I may try to increase my intake again but I am listening to my body from now on.