just a little feedback please

hi im joining my fitness pal today after been on weight watchers for last few month I just don't like it, anyway is my breakfast ok thanks my diary is open please feel free to add me I need support and your help and motivation would be great


  • GatesOfDelirium
    Hello and good morning. I am no nutrition expert so could not honestly say but friends are so important. My MFP friends are just brilliant and keep me motivated. Even when one of us is down we boost them up again with encouragement......I wish you well
  • littlegemt1984
    aww thank you so much feel free to add more the better thanks again
  • TBargar101
    TBargar101 Posts: 30 Member
    Little... - tough to say if you're breakfast looks OK. It does, but it may be too restrictive since it was only 300-400 calories. Have you gone through the goals tab of MFP to determine your daily dietary requirements? You'll need to enter you age, gender, height, and typical daily activity level.
  • littlegemt1984
    es when I signed up I was given 1200 cals
  • hapyfaces2
    hapyfaces2 Posts: 46 Member
    A bit restrictive…You can add me to your friends list. I like to to help with motivation. Something we all need.
  • jadowns
    jadowns Posts: 167 Member
    MFP is great! ADD ME :)