Goal is fitness

Hi I'm doccnm. I live in the Northeast, the land of snow & ice. I have been a lifelong exercise enthusiast, ocean lover, outdoorsy type. I joined a gym about 3 years ago after resisting thinking it was going to be like a singles bar. I've made a lot of friends there who share similar fitness goals. I divorced in 2011 after a LONG marriage. That stressful event caused a rapid weight loss of 20 pounds (mostly muscle). I gained 10 back but it was done eating/drinking whatever I wanted. Now I am working on fitness goals of being strong. I just got a SUP for my birthday & it is pretty heavy! I won't be able to use it until the ocean warms up so I'm in the gym lifting. But I also want to lose 5 pounds as I felt best at 110. I'm 5'4" so it is a reasonable weight (small boned). I want to connect with other MyFitnessPal (MFP) devotees who have similar goals/struggles (being midlife). What was once easy, losing weight & building muscle, is now a major effort! What are your struggles? What is successful?