How do you cope with "hanger" while trying to lose weight?



  • honeytree79
    honeytree79 Posts: 1 Member
    Weaning is a huge adjustment, and sometimes the hormonal shifts are quite similar to those of the first trimester! It could be a combination of lack of sleep/needy baby, the hormonal shifts of weaning, and perhaps not getting quite the right balance of protein to carbs. When I set about losing ten pounds after having my baby (she was 6 month at the time), I did it super slow and tried to eat only 75-80 percent of what I wanted. At the end of the day I would feel hungry (like cookie-lust hungry), but not arms shaking hungry. I counted calories some days but most of the time I ended up in the right zone when I did that. It took a long time, but it felt great after the first week. That first week just sucks, though, because your brain is like WHA? Who are you? What do you think you're doing? Waa! (infant wail sound!). Good luck!
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