Any new moms out there?

Hi, all! I just had my first child, a beautiful baby girl, in November. She just turned 3 months old, and I am now 5 pounds below my prepregnancy weight. (TOOT TOOOOOOT on my own horn lol)... I really want to start working out again but I don't have a clue as to how to make it work. Any new moms have any tips on how to add and balance exercise in their busy lives? Anything at all would be helpful and much appreciated!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Congrats on your wee wonderful girl!

    I work out during his first nap in the morning. Although I know he won't always nap at that time I make working out during that nap my #1 priority - everything else can wait! I also work out at home because it takes far less time and I don't have to worry about getting someone to look after my little guy while I go sweat it up!

    Feel free to friend me, my son just turned 1!
  • lisamarie447
    lisamarie447 Posts: 34 Member
    Great thank you! That's a good time for me to do it as well. I guess I just can't place too stringent a plan on it in case she doesn't nap! :-)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited February 2015
    I swim, which is only at specific times so I have to plan ahead (they are usually after the baby goes to bed), run, which is a bit more flexible, and spin, most flexible since my bike is in the basement.

    I bought a white board and plan out my week. My husband works shift work. I pick the times I can make swimming and fill in the rest. On Sunday we go over what shifts he's working, what events we have going on, what plans either of us have and put in our workouts. It allows me to see what times on what days I can workout. It also helps with making the workouts a priority. We both know what the other is planning to do the next day and it helps us plan childcare around it.
    Don't get me wrong, a lot of the time it gets shuffled around, but it helps keep me on track.

    I usually do most of my stuff after the baby is in bed for the night or when my husband is not working. I'm also very fortunate that my parents are close and want to see the baby everyday so that often allows me time to get my workout in.
    When it gets nicer, I will run with the baby.

    I also pack a workout bag and keep it in my vehicle in case I have time to go while I am in town.