at home work out

The first time i used my fitness pal i lost 30LBs. Now i'm back because i would like to lose another 40 to 50 lbs. The first time around i was getting married and very motivated to look good in my wedding dress. I did it and loved the way i looked in my dress. Well married life is great but it made it very easy to slack off on my eating habits. Now my husband and i want to start a family but i want to lose a bit a weight so that i am healthy for myself and the baby.

I have a gym membership but i really HATE going to the gym. I don't like wasting the time waiting around for machines, I barely break a sweat because of the stopping and waitng. So I think i am canceling my membership and going to try at home workouts. I have a couple of THE FIRM workouts and recently started THE FIRM EXPRESS workout. I love them!!! i actually feel like i am doing something and break a really good sweat.!! My husband likes to be active outside so we do some bike riding and hiking but that is only a couple of month out of the year when it is warm out.

I am looking for people to keep me motivated and also use workout DVD's as their main source of a workout. I am not a big fan of dance type of workouts or like 30 day shred because Jillian annoys me. But i really am open about different workouts and would like to do new things to keep my body guessing. Any suggestions?


  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    Beachbody workouts - messaging you - there are a ton and great results with them
  • emh0516
    emh0516 Posts: 15
    I completely agree - Beachbody DVD's are the best. I am on Day 80 of Power 90 and have lost 29lbs in those 80 days. The work outs are about 30-40 minutes, so easy to fit into any routine.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started with Slim in 6 by beachbody, now I'm hooked to Les Mills Pump. I still go to the gym though, but yours seems like it sucks... you shouldn't have to wait around for machines!