Fustrated with Super Slow Weight Loss

HI! I'm a little frustrated with the slow weight loss. I know it can be an over 40 issue but this is the slowest weight loss I have EVER experienced. I am working out every day and I stay within my calories, drink my water etc. It seems I lost weight quicker when I didn't work out....does that make sense at all??? Right now I'm lucky if I lose a pound or two every other week. I'd lose 2-3 lbs a week minimum when I didn't work out everyday. Could it really be muscle gain? I do notice my stomach is smaller and my clothes fit better but the scale seems to be stuck! Help??


  • Mamatano
    Mamatano Posts: 24 Member
    I hear you. I'm experiencing exactly the same problem. My clothes fit better, my body feels better but i have even added weight instead! Cant wait to hear what others have to say.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member

    If your clothes are fitting better/looser and you are feeling fitter/healthier then there is absolutely nothing to be frustrated about. You are achieving the results you want, to be smaller and healthier.

    The weight scale is not something that has advanced very far from its creation. When you are weighing yourself you are weighing EVERYTHING in your body, fat, muscle, water, waste, undigested food, etc. For this reason alone your weight will fluctuate. Measurement are not going to fluctuate like that. I suggest instead of having a "goal weight" you go for a "goal size."

    My goal is to be a size 8. Once I get there it may change to a new goal, I may not, but I'm not going to stress myself out over a number a scale gives me.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Why do you see it as a problem if your stomach is smaller and your clothes fit better? Do you write your scale weight on your head when you go out?
    It's water weight from exercise - keep on doing what you are doing.... And yeah, after 40 weight loss will go slower.....
  • ani091769
    ani091769 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! I think I will starting thinking in terms of "size" and not so much the scale. I think that alone would lessen my frustration!! :)