What other foods are good for gaining?



  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    Trail mix. Sadly, I don't need to gain weight, so I don't get to eat it right now because I will eat buckets of the stuff. But it's great if you need to gain some weight. You can grab handfuls all day. I like it with raw seeds and nuts rather than roasted and raisins.
  • RushOfOxygen
    RushOfOxygen Posts: 226 Member
    edited February 2015
    A lot of what I would have said has been said so;

    Mince meat (you could make spaghetti bolognese) with difference sauces or toppings.. Throw peppers or peas in the mix?

    Homemade curry (chicken breasts chopped, curry sauce of your choice. Rice along side.)

    Burgers. Up to you which. I go to the market and get beef burgers that are already spiced wrapped and ready to cook.

    :) good luck, hope to hear how you get on! - A'm.
  • moisesfgr
    moisesfgr Posts: 18 Member
    Eat as soon as you wake up to stop your body from being in a catabolic state (starving) and eat some casein protein (slow digestion) right before you go to bed to delay it.
  • moisesfgr
    moisesfgr Posts: 18 Member
    That was from personal experience. It worked for me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    moisesfgr wrote: »
    That was from personal experience. It worked for me.

    personal experience + broscience does not trump real science...
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    As stated...Hit your macro and micro goals eating whatever you find the tastiest.

    This DOES NOT MEAN eat only bacon, biscuits, sweets.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    Add olive oil/avocado oil/butter/etc to any vegetables, salmon (I can easily overeat salmon), almonds, cereal, and black beans.