Friends with similar stats and goals? 5', last 10 lbs!

I'm not new to MFP or calorie counting but I have zero friends! Would love to add folks with similar stats and goals.

I'm 5'0", about 125 lbs, and looking to lose the last 10 stubborn pounds. I recently lost about 25 pounds but have hit a plateau where I keep gaining and losing the same 5 pounds.

I'm super frustrated but know I'm not seeing results because I'm not consistent enough.

I would love to add friends and help each other be accountable to our goals.

My goals are to lose the last 10 pounds (for good) by the end of April, track calories every day, and exercise for eat least 30 minutes five times a day.


  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi im 5'1" ish would like to lose last 5-6lbs but finding it very hard keep fluctuating lost motivation at this moment. Feel free to add me
  • ShapingTheLaw
    ShapingTheLaw Posts: 65 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. I"m 5'2 and lost over 25 lbs these last 9 months. Right now I weight 127 but want to weigh 120 by June. My "ideal" weight (where I'm most comfortable) is at 115-118 lbs. I've been fluctuating between 124/125 to 127 for the last 5 weeks! I work out 5 to 6 days a week for 60 to 90 minutes. I lift and do cardio each time. What I am doing differently since last week is that I'm going to keep my calories at 1200 no matter how much I burn during exercise. I was eating back the calories because MFP told me that I could! You know that little message that you get that says, "You can eat ___ more calories!" Well, I'm ignoring it and hoping that this will help me reach my goal. It's been about 5 days now and it's not so bad. But!....I have to REALLY, REALLY, REALLY plan my meals way ahead of time now because I don't have lots of wiggle room.