I'm new :)

Hi , need to lose 24lb, not the best healthy eater :\ need some motivation x


  • boss333
    boss333 Posts: 10 Member
    Im not really a healthy eater too. Im doomed to be super fussy and not really liking mich that is good for me
  • jessie_fit713
    I aiming to lose the same amount! Hopefully we can help motivate each other
  • PDR85
    PDR85 Posts: 372 Member
    Hi! More than happy to help motivate you through any struggles. I love eating junk food and that has always been the end of me... but I am determined and dedicated to finally kicking some bad habits and am looking for friends that feel the same way.
  • myh1395
    I don't like eating healthy either it just a learning process. I try not to call it dieting because I think of it just as a healthy life style kinda
  • sanxxcullxx
    We can do it together :) my worst habit is eating late at night when I finish work, the worst food is so easy to just pick up and eat :\