Stuck in a plateau

I was 220 pounds 6 months ago when I had my baby. In 6 months, with diet and exercise I have lost 86 pounds, and now I am at 134. I know you go through certain plateaus... but my goal weight is 125-130. I have been doing everything "right" but have not lost a single pound in 16 days. Does anyone have any ideas, or help in boosting weight loss when stuck in a plateau? I have a little one and really only have time to run 30 minutes a day, and eat about 1000-1200 calories a day. Thanks in advance for the ideas!


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    16 days isn't really long enough for a plateau, so for now don't worry too much! Just stick with what you're doing. If it goes on for a month then you could try changing up your schedule a bit, maybe change running to a different exercise and see if that helps, or eat more for a few days (btw, you should try to make sure to eat at least 1200 a day!). Also, if you're not eating back your exercise calories, you should try to eat back at least some of them, if not all!

    When I've hit a plateau before I've just carried on with what I've been doing, I could never be bothered to change up my schedule at all, and soon enough the weight started shifting again.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Sixteen days does not a plateau make. You are only 4 pounds above your goal weight. What is your deficit (i.e., how many calories below maintenance are you eating?) Your lack of weight change could be due to a small deficit, water retention, change in weighing conditions, etc. But at this point in your weight loss journey, it s-l-o-w-s down greatly. Completely normal and to be expected.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    hello-as others said 16 days is NOT a plateau.
    You are 4 lbs from your goal weight.
    Having lost 86 lbs-you are doing everything right!
  • Remember that as your body weight lowers so does your basal metabolic rate. The thing people often do not tell you is that as you loose weight you need to consume less calories. It's because the amount of fuel needed to run a bigger body is higher than a smaller one. This can often be why people plateau as they loose weight and maintain the same calorie intake.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    Are you at a healthy weight for your height? Jillian michaels says if you are and still want to lose those are vanity pounds and will be more difficult to lose. 1000-1200 is very low, especially as you have lost a large amount already (big congrats on that!) You should be eating at least 1400 Cals a day and expect the weight loss to now be very very slow. Try switching out 2 runs a week with strength training. Building some muscle will increase your metabolic rate as muscle uses more calories throughout the day. And last suggestion is one from Jillian again that has worked for me. Eat between 2000-2200 calories for 3 days straight to let your body know 'hey, there's plenty of food around here, I can calm down and start shedding the weight again'. Hopefully this helps!