Coming off being real sick - need to up my calories

jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
I am coming off of being pretty sick the last few weeks here. I thought I had everything and anything from lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance to Crohn's disease. I ended up being diagnosed with a parasitic infection and I am on high doses of antibiotics. I was not able to eat anything before without being in severe pain for hours. I am not 100%, but feeling MUCH better. I can at least eat most things I have tried so far without too much discomfort. My endo recommended I stay away from dairy for at least a month.

So I have finally been eating again for maybe 4ish days and I noticed that I am just not meeting my caloric goals. I usually input my meals for the whole day in the morning, after breakfast so I can kind of see where I am for the day and where there is room to snack and what not. I have done so today and have a big deficit for the day, but I really don't know what else to eat!

Eggs do not sit well with me and I cannot eat any fruit/veggie with seeds or a pit. Any recommendations are welcome.