How to start feeling hunger signals?

If you've ruined your ability to sense hunger (by over or under eating), is there any way to fix it?


  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I guess eating normally for a while.

    Is this a thing?
  • alskarani
    Is what a thing? Losing hunger signals? I think so? I don't feel hunger in my stomach, I just feel it in my head, when my blood sugar is really low or something...when I feel like I can't concentrate or am close to passing out.
  • alskarani
  • alskarani
    Sorry, the nope was for "no, I don't feel rumblings in my tummy." I don't mean to sound trite.

    But no, I don't think I'm eating too often, either.
  • alskarani
    I could try that. I mean, I do try, but I don't always do very well. Does anyone know why this happens? Or if it means anything sinister?
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    You're dealing with anorexia/anorexia recovery, right? You've spent so long abusing your hunger signals and your hunger that, yup, your body is entirely out of whack with them. It's a long, long, slow, painful process towards a reset and actually being able to depend on your hunger as a guide to when to eat and not. It's why a lot of people, especially early in recovery, have better luck sticking to a meal plan they develop with the help of a nutritionist. Sometimes you have to "know better" than your body.

    Good luck!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The answer for a person recovering from an ED, if the previous poster is right, cannot be taken from a bunch of people on the internet who do not have your experience nor the training /knowledge to deal with what is a crucial part of your recovery. Hunger can be psychological as well as physical. CONSULT YOUR MEDICAL TEAM!
  • alskarani
    So meal plan, and eventually it should reset. It's just tough to do it when there's no hunger.

    I don't have a medical team yet! I'm working on that.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I don't understand. What do you mean lose your hunger signal?
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Before I started seeing a bariatric nutritionist, I don't know that I really knew what it felt like to actually be hungry - I ate so much so often that I wasn't ever actually hungry.

    She asked me that question - if I knew what it felt like to be hungry. That was a few years ago. Now it's different. Once you quit feeding the emotional "hunger" (of course it isn't really hunger - it's eating so as to not deal with your emotions) - then you actually can get back to realizing what it is to be actually hungry and that it isn't a sin to wait until you're hungry to eat. (That's totally based on my perspective of going through this journey and what I've gone through to get to this point.)

    I always ate - didn't matter what the rhyme or reason - happy, sad, tired, bored, snowing, raining, sleeting, sunshine, windy, hot, cold, that guy just cut me off, I just saw two deer over there, wonder if there's anymore deer around here, SQUIRREL, I wonder when the last time I had my oil changed was, ....etc. etc. etc. It was all about "What can I eat next?" and then having to work on my relationship with food - which is still ongoing.

    Rabbit trail...

    To answer your question, yes.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    So meal plan, and eventually it should reset. It's just tough to do it when there's no hunger.

    I don't have a medical team yet! I'm working on that.

    Unfortunately very little about ED recovery is easy.

    It's the fight of your life. But victory is more than possible--it's the only option.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    alskarani wrote: »
    If you've ruined your ability to sense hunger (by over or under eating), is there any way to fix it?

    I know nothing about ED's other than general stuff basically, so can only give my opinion on this matter.

    For starters, I am a science minded person, so that is where I would draw my opinions.

    Reading some of the scientific study on the brain with someone with an ED, there are no 100% conclusions with regards to how the brain functions with regard to "regaining your hunger" unfortunately.

    It really is something that no one can give you a conclusive answer. It is going to be based on the physiology of you and your brain.

    Now that does not mean it is not possible however do not be discouraged if it does not happen right away. It may take time to develop that cue back.

    I hope that you are doing well right now and good luck with your journey.

  • alskarani
    Liftng4Liz, I mean when you no longer feel hunger...

    Thanks for your replies, everyone. It seems eating on a timed schedule would be a good idea...
  • alskarani
    This is really overwhelming! I am feeling like I can never be able to do this!
  • alskarani
    Because it's scary to force yourself to eat when you don't feel like you need to, especially when you're really afraid of gaining weight. :(