I Want to Lose 25+lbs by the end of June! Is it Possible? Any Tips? (I gained it during college) :[

I Gained 30+ lbs during my 4 years in college dorm life and I would love to lose alot of it by the start of this summer :(
Do you think this is Possible? Please share your tips, ideas...anything :) (please dont be rude) Thanks!!!


  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    That's about 17 weeks. If you lose about 1.5 pounds per week then you would lose around 25 pounds by the end of June.

    This is doable but tough. 1 pound per week is more doable but if you don't have any off weeks and you stick to it you should be able to do this. However, you will have some weeks where you lose more than others. Also keep in mind that if you aren't consistent in maintaining your deficit it could easily take longer simply because while this goal is doable, it is pretty aggressive.
  • I am 75 and if I can do it, anyone can. Enjoy your food but keep it lean. Put your daily calories 200 lower, then you have that to play with. Go to Amazon and buy, "The Hairy Dieters". Plan a weeks food, leave out all junk and a killer is cutting right down on alcohol. Then all you have to do rain or shine is at least 5 miles a day fast walking, not a long stroll. speed it up each day. Don't let the doctor get you in his clutches. Happy days!
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Realistically? OP, I think you can make a great start on losing weight in a healthy way and getting back to a body you feel comfortable with by the end of June. I bet it won't even take that long before you start being happier with what you see in the mirror (even if the scale number hasn't quite caught up yet).

    But I'm not sure 25-30 pounds in four months is realistic. A previous poster mentioned that's 1.5 lb/week, which is 750 kcal/day *deficit* (so, eating 750 fewer calories every day than you burn through normal living plus exercise). That's one thing for someone who is significantly overweight. If, on the other hand, you're trying to get back to a fairly slim BMI, it's going to be really really hard. For example, without working out, I burn about 1500-1600 kcal/day. To lose 1.5 lb/week, I would have to eat only 750 kcal. That is neither healthy nor possible. (You should be eating, at a BARE minimum, 1200 kcal a day because you need at least that much to get enough vitamins, minerals, etc).

    You might try aiming for 1 lb/week, at least at the beginning. MFP allows you to set a calorie target based on desired weight loss. That's a good number--it tends to be easier to sustain, you have some more room in what you're eating to enjoy time out with your friends, and you still get to see progress on the scale more quickly than a slower rate of weight loss. All good things!