i am 26 female and weigh 281 starting weight 291. I exercise 5 days a week for 30-40 min. I have a treadmill that you enter your weight in it and set the amount of time and it puts together a workout for you. Is the amount of calories they say i burn right?? I think it would be since you put in your weight.....but i am not sure....also i eat 1200 a day and i feel full if i dont i eat a bit more....is it normal to drop a pound to 1.5 in a day everyday? I want to do this the right way this time! btw my treadmill is killing my butt.....i walk on inclines most of the time but i try to run at a pace of 4.2 for at these 3 to 5 mins of the time. 2 weeks into the new lifestyle. thanks


  • joneallen
    joneallen Posts: 217 Member
    If you're not drained by the end of the day, and losing weight, keep at it. You're probably losing that amount because of putting your body through a brand new routine. It will eventually taper off, and you'll just have to adjust accordingly.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    So you've lost 21lbs so far?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    A lot of water weight comes off in the first couple weeks, so this is normal. Your loss should stabilize soon. But why 1200? I started at close to 250 pounds and have lost never eating less than 1500.
  • jquick25
    jquick25 Posts: 45
    edited February 2015
    when i first started doing it in 2013 i went from 291 to 188 then i went back to my old ways of emotional eating(WONT HAPPEN AGAIN) so i started again at 291 and today i am at 281. so i have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. i dont feel drained at all. I actually feel better than i have in over a year. I have more confidence...my biggest fear is that I will lose it again and gain it all back....i am working on overcoming emotional eating....so far so good...i just want to do it a healthy way...nothing is fitting differently yet and i dont look different so i was a bit concerned with that. and when i worked out last night the treadmill said i burned 450 cals...i didnt know how accurate that is...but i enter my weight before each workout and thats what it comes up with.
  • jquick25
    I am not sure my doctor put me on that ( i struggled the first time dieting with really restricting only eating under 800 cal) i have been getting help and my doc told me not to go over 1200. he never really said why
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited February 2015
    I started at 244 and eat between 1400-1525 @ day. I've lost almost 14 lbs since Jan 25. If the 1200 is working for you I guess I'd stick with it but I would not be happy on only 1200. Lol. I don't believe the machines or the MFP app for calorie burn. If they say I burned 400 I take 50% of it.
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    I'm confused sorry, I don't get how you've lost 10lb but a pound a day? Have you been dieting just 10 days?
    If so its not uncommon to lose that much at all as is mostly water you lose, weight loss is always quick to begin with, some Ppl lose up to a stone in their first week. It will soon slow down and tail off to a sustainable pace. I lost a stone in 3 weeks when I started, I thought it was going to be easy... A year and 3 stone 12lb off it isn't, talk about false sense of security!

    I'm now 222lbs I've lost 3st 12lb. Maybe you're doing too much too soon? Walking will a hill walk is sufficient enough, try keeping at walking but say do it for an hour?

    I've had pelvic issues since losing weight. I have had issues in pregnancy etc and have literally had a constant pain in the butt, it hurts when I bend and sit as well. I'm having physio and I have a lose sacroiliac joint in my pelvis. Apparently it's quite common in ppl who have lost lots of weight and eventually as your weight stabilises, in addition to exercise will stabilise your pelvis.

    It seems you're relatively new to the exercise thing, so maybe walk before who you can run? Maybe include some swimming for cardio as it would be great on your joints. From someone with a large frame myself, I've found running the least effective exercise, it's a short spurt and slow calorie burn. Stamina, endurance and resistance are far better ways to get the weight off. Walk more, keep the incline, you'll natural progress to gentle jogging as the weight comes off. You'll burn more cals doing 1 hour walking than 10 mins running.

    Hth good luck x
  • jquick25
    next time i got for a check up i will ask him again why its only 1200 calories....because honestly id like to know to....i want to be on something i can stick to forever and not gain it back...i will def take 50 percent of those numbers then...but hey 50 percent is better than not moving and trying at all..... :)
  • jquick25
    rayrayfitz wrote: »
    I'm confused sorry, I don't get how you've lost 10lb but a pound a day? Have you been dieting just 10 days?
    If so its not uncommon to lose that much at all as is mostly water you lose, weight loss is always quick to begin with, some Ppl lose up to a stone in their first week. It will soon slow down and tail off to a sustainable pace. I lost a stone in 3 weeks when I started, I thought it was going to be easy... A year and 3 stone 12lb off it isn't, talk about false sense of security!

    I'm now 222lbs I've lost 3st 12lb. Maybe you're doing too much too soon? Walking will a hill walk is sufficient enough, try keeping at walking but say do it for an hour?

    I've had pelvic issues since losing weight. I have had issues in pregnancy etc and have literally had a constant pain in the butt, it hurts when I bend and sit as well. I'm having physio and I have a lose sacroiliac joint in my pelvis. Apparently it's quite common in ppl who have lost lots of weight and eventually as your weight stabilises, in addition to exercise will stabilise your pelvis.

    It seems you're relatively new to the exercise thing, so maybe walk before who you can run? Maybe include some swimming for cardio as it would be great on your joints. From someone with a large frame myself, I've found running the least effective exercise, it's a short spurt and slow calorie burn. Stamina, endurance and resistance are far better ways to get the weight off. Walk more, keep the incline, you'll natural progress to gentle jogging as the weight comes off. You'll burn more cals doing 1 hour walking than 10 mins running.

    Hth good luck x

    yes i have been doing it for about 10 days now so i just rounded up to 2 weeks. and i will def give this a try because i am sore tonight i will just walk thanks.
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    Little extra... Try walking at a pace of about 5-6kmph, then up the incline to about 6 this is when I get most burn, I also bang it all the way up to 15 as well for a few mins.. Forget the running for now.

    As for your cals, have you let MFP calculate them directly? If you have stick with that. Only eat back exercise cals if you're doing a lot of exercise. Do you have it set at light/sedentary? It also depends how tall you are to how many cals you have, the taller the lore you need. You may be eating too few, or it may just be a quick water loss. Let MFP calculate for you, and eat up to that limit :). Ive sent you a friends request. Shout if I can help further x

  • niecey61
    niecey61 Posts: 54 Member
    Doctors usually have no idea how to lose weight. The 1200 calorie thing is a textbook number to go to. May see a Registered Dietician??
    Also, how are you working on your emotional eating?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    What has made a big difference for me: changing how I think about food. Maybe this will help you, also?

    Food has a purpose which is to fuel our bodies. Food is not a friend or enemy; its not good or bad. Think of calories like a budget, and if possible start pre-planning your day. I pre-log and then edit/adjust as needed. Your body needs calories for energy, sustenance. Focus first on getting what the body needs (protein, veggies, fiber, etc.) and then based on what remains in the budget: decide how to finish out snacks, meals.

    And since you know that emotional eating could be a pitfall for you, start thinking of alternate ways to cope. Physical alternatives are especially good. Like going for a walk when angry/upset.
  • jquick25
    i am 5'5"......and i dont eat the calories back...sometimes ill eat an extra snack after i work out but not always....i have it set as light because i work at a desk all day.....i did and it sat it at 1200 to....i am seeing a couselor for the emotional eating...and i am scheduled to see a dietician next week.....i just want to do this the right way bc i honestly dont ever want to have to get this big again and have to start all over...sometimes i get discourraged because i got down to 188 then gained it all back....but i try not to think about that...and focus on here and now.
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    jquick25 wrote: »
    when i first started doing it in 2013 i went from 291 to 188 then i went back to my old ways of emotional eating(WONT HAPPEN AGAIN) so i started again at 291 and today i am at 281. so i have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. i dont feel drained at all. I actually feel better than i have in over a year. I have more confidence...my biggest fear is that I will lose it again and gain it all back....i am working on overcoming emotional eating....so far so good...i just want to do it a healthy way...nothing is fitting differently yet and i dont look different so i was a bit concerned with that. and when i worked out last night the treadmill said i burned 450 cals...i didnt know how accurate that is...but i enter my weight before each workout and thats what it comes up with.

    Don't worry about seeing changes the more you lose the less noticeable it is for a while. I'm still fat! I can't see any difference, yet I know there is, I've gone down 6 dress sizes. Take measurements now, I wish I had but didn't. Believe me in a years time when you're doing it all right and staying the same for 2/3 weeks measurements are a god send, you see inch loss. I don't think anyone noticed I'd lost weight until I lost about 28lb and bought new better fitting clothes. You're making a great start, it's not about being thin but being healthy, and every day you stick at it you're getting healthier, and then thinner as a consequence of that x
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Yeah - lots of people experience fairly large drops in weight at first. This is, as has been mentioned, usually a lot of water weight release and is typical. It'll slow down - probably soon.

    And yes, the treadmill should be giving you a pretty good estimation on Calories burned, since it can calculate the amount of work to move the weight you enter the distance the treadmill simulates.
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    I was a similar weight when I started, I hated exercise and could hardly manage any. I now swim 5 days a week, play badminton, go to the gym, do aerobics. It's all gradual though and it's taken 13 months to get to this stage and more to go, but if you do it right, slowly and gently you will develop a whole new love of exercise and fitness x
  • jquick25
    rayrayfitz wrote: »
    jquick25 wrote: »
    when i first started doing it in 2013 i went from 291 to 188 then i went back to my old ways of emotional eating(WONT HAPPEN AGAIN) so i started again at 291 and today i am at 281. so i have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. i dont feel drained at all. I actually feel better than i have in over a year. I have more confidence...my biggest fear is that I will lose it again and gain it all back....i am working on overcoming emotional eating....so far so good...i just want to do it a healthy way...nothing is fitting differently yet and i dont look different so i was a bit concerned with that. and when i worked out last night the treadmill said i burned 450 cals...i didnt know how accurate that is...but i enter my weight before each workout and thats what it comes up with.

    Don't worry about seeing changes the more you lose the less noticeable it is for a while. I'm still fat! I can't see any difference, yet I know there is, I've gone down 6 dress sizes. Take measurements now, I wish I had but didn't. Believe me in a years time when you're doing it all right and staying the same for 2/3 weeks measurements are a god send, you see inch loss. I don't think anyone noticed I'd lost weight until I lost about 28lb and bought new better fitting clothes. You're making a great start, it's not about being thin but being healthy, and every day you stick at it you're getting healthier, and then thinner as a consequence of that x

    thats exactly what i want...i want to be heatlhy...i want to play with my kids i have three children and i want to run and play with them...i want to feel good and sex...right now i dont and thats hard bc i dont want to intimate with my husband....makes our relationship hard.....you guys have such good advice :) i do take my anger out on the treadmill it feels so much better than eating taco bell
  • jquick25
    i put my diary as public so i can let you see what i eat...it says i net low but i eat over 1000 so i am confused. thanks
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    edited February 2015
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A lot of water weight comes off in the first couple weeks, so this is normal. Your loss should stabilize soon. But why 1200?

  • jquick25
    i have already answered this question liftng4lis....its what the doc put me on....im just doing what he says...when i go back i will ask him again why....im trying to follow what they say bc i struggled in the past