MFP faithful for 2 weeks but no lbs lost yet



  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm a little discouraged. I have been logging my food and exercise for the past couple of weeks with no results. I stay within the calories allowed but the scale has not moved. I'm trying to stay motivated to continue.

    2 weeks is no amount of time. No amount of time at all

    Patience is a virtue as my mother would say :0)

    Seriously though it is... 2 weeks ? Come on!
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Glanced at your diary - nice work in the protein department. That is always good. But remember to watch your sodium, as high sodium levels will lead to increased water retention.

    You could also be retaining water from any exercising that you've been doing. When I started working out, I GAINED weight, because my healing muscles were holding on to a lot of water. I kept drinking water, kept working out and watched my sodium. Then one week, I was down like 5 pounds!

    You might want to focus on eating closer to your goal. 1200 should be the minimum, but I'd say most people require more. I'm pretty young and really tall, but I require nearly 2000 a day!

    Finally, weight loss isn't instant, even right when you start out. Hang in there - the results will show soon!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you have been logging for 2 weeks and eating correctly, no cheating and cutting back on the processed foods (sodium etc.)

    Then yes the OP should be seeing a loss on the scales.

    so I can fully understand her discouragement :noway:

    So it is a case of making sure you look back at your diary and make some changes.

    You WILL start to lose weight if you take on board the advice that a lot of people have given you x
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    imma be honest with you. if you're going to lose motivation after 10 days, you probably aren't ready for this yet. this isn't a sprint. instead of getting frustrated now, maybe you should just give up and come back when you're ready to commit to more than a few days. i don't know about you, but i was fat for years so when i finally committed to losing weight, i figured it would take a long time. i didn't put the weight on in one month so why would it come off in one month?

    when you're actually ready to commit, come back and we'll talk about the most efficient strategies to get you to your goal. i can give you a plan, but patience and commitment have to be supplied by you
  • hap2010
    hap2010 Posts: 101 Member
    After going through your diary, I don't see a whole lot of fruit or veggies in your diary. I see a lot of empty calories. I would suggest eating better and trying to stay away from the junk food, way too much sodium. Also, make sure you hit your intake every day, This is a process, you did not put on the weight in two weeks and you should not expect it to come off quickly. Make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and it will change.
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    No one is perfect, and no two people are the same when it comes to the body. I glanced at your diary and notice the same things everyone is.. your sodium intake is really high, I also noticed a lot of premade foods (pop corn, etc) and a high sugar intake. My body loves sugar (natural and artificial) I have to keep my sugar low to see any movement in the scale. I would try to start cooking more of your own meals. Processed foods are high in sodium, cooking it yourself you can limit the sodium intake. Finding what works is like a science experiment, try something different everyday until you find what works. I would try to make sure you hit the 1200, I noticed several days you were below. I hope you find what works, and cudos for sticking with it for 2 weeks. :)
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    You didn't put on the weight in two weeks. How can you expect it to come off in two weeks? Find a caloric deficit & work out plan you can sustain. When I started, I didn't even look at the scale for the first month or two. It'll come off.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    imma be honest with you. if you're going to lose motivation after 10 days, you probably aren't ready for this yet. this isn't a sprint. instead of getting frustrated now, maybe you should just give up and come back when you're ready to commit to more than a few days. i don't know about you, but i was fat for years so when i finally committed to losing weight, i figured it would take a long time. i didn't put the weight on in one month so why would it come off in one month?

    when you're actually ready to commit, come back and we'll talk about the most efficient strategies to get you to your goal. i can give you a plan, but patience and commitment have to be supplied by you

    I :heart: DavPul

    ETA: are you weighing and measuring your food? I know people are saying, "Eat more, eat more!" But that is not good advice if you're "guesstimating" your food intake. If you are eyeballing portions, you are probably eating at maintenance. Get a food scale, use it, eat at least 1200 calories NET (that means including your exercise), then see how you are doing after four weeks. If you still haven't lost anything, see your doctor.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    imma be honest with you. if you're going to lose motivation after 10 days, you probably aren't ready for this yet. this isn't a sprint. instead of getting frustrated now, maybe you should just give up and come back when you're ready to commit to more than a few days. i don't know about you, but i was fat for years so when i finally committed to losing weight, i figured it would take a long time. i didn't put the weight on in one month so why would it come off in one month?

    when you're actually ready to commit, come back and we'll talk about the most efficient strategies to get you to your goal. i can give you a plan, but patience and commitment have to be supplied by you

    :heart: all of this :heart:
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    1. Doesn't look like your eating enough.
    2. Are you drinking any water??
    3. To much salt.
    4. To much processed carbs and SUGAR. You may be eating at your calorie "limit" but your body cannot work on losing weight when its busy trying to process franken foods. I found this out the hard way.

    :happy: Good Luck and hang in there. It's a process......sometimes it's a L...O...N...G... process. :flowerforyou:
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Looks like you've got some good advice early. I'll just add my two cents about how this is a long process. I weigh in only once a month and my "short-term" goals have been at least six months in length. I do that so I can wean myself off looking for and focusing on immediate results and focusing instead on the process. Follow some of the good advice left above re: eating and drinking enough and then be patient. :)

    Good luck! :)
  • estielouise
    estielouise Posts: 46 Member
    Judging by your food diary, you are eating too few calories and what you do eat, is very low in nutritional value. Chocolate muffins should be replaced by high fiber cereals and dried fruits. Eat a proper dinner not just picking at snack foods, try eating high protein foods such as tuna, chicken & fish and get some iron in your diet by eating salads with things like baby spinach, sweetcorn and mixed beans such as pinto beans etc. Cut out chocolate and ice cream to once a week at weekends. You'll find the weight will fall off the higher protein diets you eat. Also log your water and cut down caffiene to 2 intakes per day max.

    good luck, if you feel like adding me for support or motivation, always happy to help, having support is half the battle!
  • zinatara
    zinatara Posts: 76 Member
    I've had a month where my weight have been standing still. I've logged all my food and exercise and stayed within my calorie goals. It's just the last few days the weight has started changing. But in the same month I've lost more than 2 inches around my waist, so something is happening even if I can't see it on the weight.

    Stay in there, you will loose weight as long as you stick with it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    What results did you expect in two weeks OP? Two weeks is a drop in the bucket...not really much happens in a mere two weeks. It's kind of akin to me going to the gym and lifting weights for a couple of weeks and then wondering why I'm not a ripped body takes time.

    The road to a healthy BF%, healthy weight, proper nutrition, and fitness is a much longer road. When you come to that realization...when you come to the realization that it's going to take months and often even years, then you will find a much greater peace with this whole process.

    That's what it is a process...a process that when adhered to long term yields results.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    I completely understand being frustrated to see no movement after 2 weeks after eating better than you were 3 weeks ago. It's not a magic formula, but I understand the frustration.

    Like others, I looked at your diary from the last week. I would agree with what's been said.

    Your sodium is pretty high, so perhaps you're retaining water. Especially if you are not drinking a lot of water - or maybe you just don't log it?

    Your diet is very carb heavy - I'm not anti-carb AT ALL. I eat plenty of carbs myself, but maybe your body is having a hard time processing that many - you have several servings at each meal for the most part.

    Are you eating fruits and vegetables and not trackng them? Or is that really all you had? I saw maybe 3-5 servings for the whole week.

    I would suggest:
    1. Upping your water (if you aren't drinking it)
    2. Cutting at least a few of the processed carbs in favor of some fruits and vegetables. (this will naturally bring the sodium intake down). Like maybe don't have the muffin AND the bread for breakfast. Pick one or the other and add a serving of fruit. And some cottage cheese (for example).
    3. Eating at least 1200 calories a day.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...because two weeks.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Dude, it has been 2 weeks.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    imma be honest with you. if you're going to lose motivation after 10 days, you probably aren't ready for this yet. this isn't a sprint. instead of getting frustrated now, maybe you should just give up and come back when you're ready to commit to more than a few days. i don't know about you, but i was fat for years so when i finally committed to losing weight, i figured it would take a long time. i didn't put the weight on in one month so why would it come off in one month?

    when you're actually ready to commit, come back and we'll talk about the most efficient strategies to get you to your goal. i can give you a plan, but patience and commitment have to be supplied by you

    I :heart: DavPul

    ETA: are you weighing and measuring your food? I know people are saying, "Eat more, eat more!" But that is not good advice if you're "guesstimating" your food intake. If you are eyeballing portions, you are probably eating at maintenance. Get a food scale, use it, eat at least 1200 calories NET (that means including your exercise), then see how you are doing after four weeks. If you still haven't lost anything, see your doctor.

    All of this.

    Also if you really only have 15 pounds to lose, I'd bet money that you need to eat more than 1200 cals a day.
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    One more thing, I'd strongly consider adding full fat dairy instead of all this low cal, low sugar, reduced fat, 0 fat stuff. Just eat real food. The fewer ingredients, the better. Diet foods don't work and actually harm your body in the long run. Learn how to eat simply. You'll also find yourself fuller longer.

    Just my 2 cents.