Fitness advice really

Redkoala Posts: 146
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm just after a few pointers on fitness and the best results weightloss wise. Firstly is it ok to work out like 6 days a week? I normally cover about 600 calories and about 12km a session through different machines. I feel fine afterwards not anymore tired than you would expect to be. Is it healthy? I've heard from several sources that you actually burn the fat recovering more than the workout itself. Any truth in that? I mean aslong as i can do the workouts is it safe to do so?.

Should you do weight trainning and cardio in the same session? How benifcy is weight trainning regrads to burning fat? Should i be doing a mixure of both to get better results?

Another thing i have worring me at the moment is swimming. More so of the exposing the body to the public lol. Am i being silly or should i wait until i get my surfboard abs? :D Any ideas on the amount of calories you burn in say 30mins of swimming?

A lot of questions asked here =] Any help is grateful.


  • amg5157
    amg5157 Posts: 52
    I personally think that the number of days you wrkout depends on you...i choose to work out 7 days a week and I do both cardio and weight training.

    A trainer told me to do my wghts first bc the afterburn effect will make me burn more calories during my cardio.

    As for the pool...go for it now...its awesome for getting in shape!
  • superjarrod1616
    superjarrod1616 Posts: 39 Member
    If you are feeling ok working out 6 days a week, then go for it. If you are doing a circuit and just trying to burn and tone, then there is no problem. If you decide later to try to put on muscle and burning is less of a priority then 1 muscle group per week is the gold standard.

    As far as swimming, Dude you have lost almost 60 lbs! Be proud of your accomplishemnt and get out there and make yourself better. Swimming is a great fat burner!

    Congrat and keep it up

  • twolittlebroncos
    twolittlebroncos Posts: 1 Member
    That sounds like a lot of cardio exercise to me. Is it healthy? Sure, it's great for your heart. If your goal is to burn fat then you might consider interval workouts. Instead of a steady pace you sprint then jog, then sprint, then jog, then sprint. Supposedly this method burns more calories during the recovery phase than a workout for the same amount of time at a steady pace.

    Weight training can help with burning fat. Muscle burns calories, the more muscle you develop the more calories your body will burn just sitting there. I would advise mixing weight training into your work outs if possible. Just make sure to get some coaching if you haven't done any lifting before. You don't want to hurt yourself.

    Swimming burns a lot of calories. I'd say you'd burn between 200 and 900 calories per hour swimming depending on your body size and the intensity of the swimming.
  • If you are tracking your food and your exercise on here it would tell you once you logged everything in for the day if it is too much or not because you don't want to go into starvation mode. Otherwise, as long as you feel fine and don't feel dehydrated and too weak the next day then I wouldn't worry about it.

    I read somewhere that you do want to do both training and cardio in the same workout. You want to make sure to do your strength training before your cardio. You will feel the difference if you do the cardio first or the cardio last. It isn't the fact that you would hurt yourself doing it the other way but if you do the training before the cardio you will feel your muscles still toning while you are doing the cardio. This will help you get tone faster. I might be wrong but this is what I prefer to do and I did do some research on it. I hope I helped.
  • Redkoala
    Redkoala Posts: 146
    Thanks alot for taking the time to reply :) Got some great advice there much appreciated. As for the swimming maybe its time i bought some new trunks and go for it!
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