What's your HR while running?



  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm a relative beginning, 5 weeks into C25K, and I range from 135 up into the 140s. I still go at a rather slow pace compared to what I hope to build up to.
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    My HRM goes up to 140-159, my highest has been 165; looking at everyone elses I think that i could probably push it a bit higher.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Average this morning for an 8 mile run at 8:34/mi was 129 bpm. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/323209942

    When I'm racing it will go up into the mid to high 160s, depending on the distance.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I never pay attention to the actual HR number and it will vary with everyone depending on age and other factors, so there's no point in comparing those numbers. I have my HRM setup to show me percentage of max, which is the important number. I try to target 65-75% for long runs and 85% for tempo runs or other speed work & hills. Races are an all-out effort so 90-95% is typical.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Jogging 5mph - 155
  • Ih8thedreadmill
    Ih8thedreadmill Posts: 46 Member
    light jog, 90-110. 130 at a decent clip. About 155 sprinting.

    WOW !!!! I was hitting 150's at ~5mph ... I would get to 170-190's when going HARD

    This is me high140's low150's at 5 to 5.5 mph or so, in my 5k i averaged 6.06 mph and average heart rate was 166
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I never pay attention to the actual HR number and it will vary with everyone depending on age and other factors, so there's no point in comparing those numbers. I have my HRM setup to show me percentage of max, which is the important number. I try to target 65-75% for long runs and 85% for tempo runs or other speed work & hills. Races are an all-out effort so 90-95% is typical.

    I would have to walk to hit your long run numbers :( Maybe this is why my chest feels like it's going to explode some days. I hope my fitness levels improve, I've been at this pretty consistently for 90 days.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I would have to walk to hit your long run numbers :( ....I hope my fitness levels improve,

    It may well be a good idea to improve your fitness.
    It depends on what your goals are short-term, long-term, and in between :-)
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    Don't worry as much about the HR number, make sure you are able to comfortably speak in full sentences without gasping. That will tell you that you are running at a nice, easy, pace. The whole 220-age thing for max HR is not accurate for everyone. I'm 25, so according to that my HR should be 195, but during sprint intervals it's gotten above 200. My long run avg. HR is about 160-165, which is higher than what the normal formulas say it should be. I just make sure I can hold a conversation while I'm running, and I haven't had any problems or injuries. My HR is slowly been coming down as well.

    If you are planning to train according to HR, then make sure you do a test to find out your true maximum and use that number. Find a track, and start off by jogging a lap (400 meters), then running a hard lap, then jogging easy, then running hard again, then jogging, then on your third hard lap really sprint through the last half of it and the highest your HR monitor goes is pretty close to your maximum HR.

    Happy running!