How long should I stay on maintenance?

So for the last month I've been trying different things to get past this plateau and am now on maintenance. I've seen people mention 3-7 days worth of maintenance. My first try at this (a month ago) I was on maintenance for 3 days & dropped 1/2 pond after but then instantly got stuck again. This time I have been on maintenance for 5 days and am wondering if that is enough or if I should give it another few days sense 3 days didn't work before.

P.s. I think I accidenally put myself in "starvation mode" last week by vastly underestimating my excersise calories last week. I tried to eat my excersise calories I just don't know that I calculated my calories burned right :(


  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    Look up Zig zag your calories. I have heard that it works.
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    You might want to try staying at maintenance calories for a week or so. Your metabolism might have increased and your body might need more fuel now. Play around with it for a bit and figure out what works for you. :)
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I like to shift off maintenance slowly when breaking a plateau.

    Week 1: maintenance
    Week 2: deficit for 3 days and maintenance 4 days (not in a row)
    Week 3: deficit for 4 days and maintenance for 3 days (not in a row)
    Week 4: deficit
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I would examine the foods you are eating and drinking for preservatives, additives, aspertame, msg, and the like. These inhibit the body from burning fat stores.