New & putting on weight?

anniehorley890 Posts: 4
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

I'm new to this app, and it is telling me I need to put on weight. I'm a bit of a newbie with nutrition. I would rather gain muscle as apposed to fat. Will this app just get me to eat more fats? Confused!

I'm also half way through the Kayla Itsines 12 weeks bikini body guide if anyone else is?

Feel free to add me - I have no friends on here yet :(


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When gaining weight you'll add a little fat. The goal is to make it about half muscle. My advice is a good progressive loading strength training program, 1 gram of protein per pound of LBM, .35 grams of fat per pound of weight, and a very small surplus. The rest of your calories can come from carbs. Women can't put on muscle as quickly as men, so generally people recommend 1/2 lb gain per week. Personally I've only bulked once but I preferred a slower approach. I just slowly increased calories until I was creeping up in weight. Keep in mind the first 3-4 weeks are useless for getting an accurate weight gain idea because you'll immediately put on 2-3 lbs of water weight from the increased calories/carbs.

    Here's a good group for you to get started and find other women gaining weight:
  • Thanks a lot!!