30 Days In, Less Than 1 lb Loss?



  • hgillesp
    hgillesp Posts: 46 Member
    So, if I do this strictly by TDEE I should calculate for slightly or moderately active? Then not plug in cals burned in mfp? I exercise nearly every day, 45 minutes of cardio (running, stairmill, elliptical or bike), 1 good strength day, plus one day w yoga or resistance training per week. Also have a standup desk at work. Cant get crazy w strength training right now due to some sacroiliac issues. :)
  • DsAdvocate
    DsAdvocate Posts: 93 Member
    Since when have vegetarians eaten the flesh of dead animals?

    You're a pescetarian.
  • hgillesp
    hgillesp Posts: 46 Member
    Not everyone knows what that is. For the sake of simplicity I used the language I chose.
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    Its been almost 3 weeks and I haven't lost any more weight. But I have lost inches and gained some visible muscle definition. I feel thinner. I measured myself and I lost half an inch off of my chest, waist and thigh (one thigh!). If I only weighed myself and I didn't take photos or measurements I would probably not know that I made progress.