Stuck in a rut

so after yo-yo dieting for about 15 years and being addicted to diet and regular soda I decided I was tired of feeling crappy every night and so sluggish. So I gave up soda that had a snow ball effect and I started eating healthier and exercising because I was feeling good and I realized I want to live a healthy life for myself, my kids and my hubby. Well I have been doing great and found some great recipes and have not had soda in about 7 weeks! I've lost about 7 pounds! Yay. Which brings me at 10 pounds from my healthy bmi and goal. Well I am stuck. I have been wanting to eat snacks and feel as though I am getting to that point that I ALWAYS get to where I plateau and I throw my hands in the air. HELP!!! I am doing so great and this is the longest I have been without soda. I don't want to give up. Does anyone have any advice that helped them over a plateau??