Starting Over

Hello everyone! My name is Nicole, and although I'm not necessarily new to this website (I used it in 2012) I've been off track for the past couple of years. Due to emotional issues such as stress, depression, and anxiety, as well as being a college kid who lives in a dorm with a meal plan, I've managed to gain some of the weight I lost back.

It's been a real bummer; I'm a 21-year-old junior, so for the longest time I just didn't care. I was eating, began drinking, and having a great time, so what if I had put on a few pounds? Well, it was one of those instances where I was looking through old pictures and comparing them to my new ones, and realizing, wow, I've really gained quite a bit of weight. It doesn't help that this past winter all I have wanted to wear was big comfy sweaters and leggings - there are tshirts that don't fit me comfortably anymore, which really got to me. I love inspiring body positivity, but I am honestly just very uncomfortable with the way I feel in my eating habits as well as my skin.

SO, I'm beginning my journey on here again, since I managed to lose ~25lbs on here my senior year of high school! I haven't weighed myself yet, although I'm guessing that I'm around 135lbs to 140lbs at the moment, which is near the highest I've ever been (I'm 5'0"). When I was the happiest I've been with my weight, I was around 120, and I was STILL wanting more. My goal weight is 115, although I would be over the moon if I hit 120 once again. I try to attend intramural yoga sessions at my school which are 60 minutes long, and I'd love to begin introducing cardio back into my life by either running or doing aerobics.

One of the things I used to love about this site was the encouragement I used to get! So, if you would like to add me as a friend, I will gladly accept! Hope to see you guys as we help each other through our fitness journeys!